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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Water and Sanitation Engineer

Position title: Water and Sanitation Engineer
PL4 to PL5
Reference: ADB/10/053
Publication date: 21/05/2010
Closing date: 08/06/2010
Duties and responsibilities
Under the general supervision of the Division Manager, the incumbent will:
  • Apply the Bank’s sector policy for water and sanitation and the existing Bank rules and procedures in project portfolio management;
  • Contribute to preparing sector policies concerning projects, programmes and initiatives in the water, sanitation and solid wastes sectors;
  • Consider and coordinate the Division’s observations on sector policy documents submitted for review in the light of the experience acquired in their application within the context of project/programme portfolio management;
  • Formulate review proposals in relation to the Bank’s priorities and operations strategies in Borrower countries.
  • Prepare the annual programme of activities in the context of water and sanitation sector project/programme portfolio management:
  • Define the Bank’s operations strategy in the water and sanitation sectors in Borrower countries in the context of the preparation and/or updating of Country Strategy Papers (CSP) ;
  • Coordinate the drafting of the analysis of the Water and Sanitation Sectors, in particular the state of infrastructure, drinking water supply and distribution services and sanitation, implementation performances, the level of operating performances, past and current investments and the constraints that impede the sectors’ sustainable development, development policies and strategies and their implementation, as well as the projects/programmes retained;
  • Propose a Bank operations strategy in the above-mentioned sectors in keeping with the Bank’s sector policy and the Borrower’s priority development projects/programmes;
  • Identify development projects and programmes which could be financed by the Bank Group in the water and sanitation sectors;
  • Analyse requests proposed by Governments for Bank financing for projects, programmes and studies;
  • Appraise projects/programmes, prepare appraisal reports and review documents for their presentation to the Board of Directors ;
  • Coordinate the monitoring and implementation of projects/programmes for the water and sanitation sectors;
  • Coordinate and carryout project completion report preparation missions in order to draw lessons for the implementation of future similar Bank projects;
  • Complete other activities such as coordinate the preparation of observations on the Department’s internal reports and documents represent the Bank at international meetings on the financing of drinking water supply and sanitation infrastructure.
Selection Criteria
Including desirable skills, knowledge and experience
  • At least a Masters degree in civil engineering, hydraulics/urban sanitation, hydrology, hydrogeology, sanitation or in a related area of specialization;
  • Preferably, a minimum of five (5) years of relevant professional experience in the area of planning, design, construction, supervision and maintenance of water supply systems and sanitation;
  • Sound knowledge of the different types of hydraulic structures and installations, their operation, the standards in force, design methodologies and appropriate technologies ;
  • Proven ability to build and lead a team of professional staff, and utilize talent and expertise of team members in a productive way;
  • Ability to build partnerships and deliver results that meet the needs and long-term interest of clients within and outside the institution;
  • Good listener with demonstrated ability to present and win support for ideas as well as make effective and timely decisions;
  • Capacity to initiate and manage innovations and change.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and/or French, and preferably with a working knowledge of the other language.
Only applicants who fully meet the Bank’s requirements and are being considered for interview will be contacted.
Applicants will only be considered if they submit (preferably electronically, to: a fully completed Personal History Form (PHF), available from the Bank’s web site, and attach a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) indicating date of birth and nationality. The President, ADB, reserves the right to appoint a candidate at a lower level.
The African Development Bank is an equal opportunities employer and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply

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