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Monday, June 21, 2010

Rwanda Consultant to Review and Update the Operations Manual for the Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat

Republic of Rwanda
Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat – PSCBS
Request for Expression of Interest for an Individual Consultant to Review and Update the Operations Manual for the Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat
1.0. Background
The Government of Rwanda (GoR) has received from the Belgian Government through the Belgian Development Agency (BTC) a grant for the Support to Capacity Development in Rwanda-project which is managed by Public
Sector Capacity Building Secretariat (PSCBS).
Part of the grant shall be used to procure the an experienced and qualified consultant to review and update the POM, ensuring that it aligns with the new mandate of PSCBS, and reflects the current national and donor requirements.
2.0.General/ Specific Objectives
2.1. The General Objective of the Assignment is to make a thorough review of the existing Project Operations Manual and update it according to the new changes in the institutional and legal framework of PSCBS and the revised National Public Financial and Procurement management regulations and to facilitate the implementation of its activities.
2.2. The specific objectives of the includes:
(i) Reviewing the existing POM and its Annexes to determine areas that have to be revised as well assignment as updated;
(ii) Identifying sections in the POM that require to be updated particularly those areas that are related to the implementation of Organic Law no 37/2006 ; the Ministerial order no 002/07; the Law on Public Procurement no 12/2007 of 27/03/2007 and the rules, laws and procedures that govern public servants in Rwanda and
(iii) Proposing a revised POM that would match with the mandate of the PSCBS and which conforms to national legal provisions.
3.0. Required Profile
The Consultant should demonstrate the following qualifications and experience:
  • A relevant University degree in project and financial management, economics or public administration;
  • A minimum of 10 years proven professional experience in Public Finance and/or Procurement and hands on experience in institutional capacity building, program design and operation; monitoring and evaluation processes;
  • Experience in undertaking at least two similar assignments within the region. Experience in the Rwandan context shall be an added advantage;
  • Proficiency in English is essential; with a working knowledge of either French! Knowledge Kinyarwanda is an advantage;
  • Be highly analytical and with sound competence in the use of work processes and procedures;
  • Be able to work in a team and collaborate with institutions of different nature;
  • Be very client oriented, work out key issues and priorities and cater flexibly to needs as they emerge.
PSCBS now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (detailed CVs showing their academic background, experience in similar assignments, knowledge ofthe local conditions such as local language, administrative system, government organization, etc).
Expressions of interest must be addressed to the Executive Secretary of PSCBS and delivered by email attacment as a single Microsoft Word or PDF file on or before 11.00 hours local time on the 5th July 2010 to the following addresses:;;
P. O. Box 7367
Kigali – Rwanda
Website :

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