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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Motor (Insurance) Assessor Vacancy to Manage Motor Garage (Machakos)

Job Ref. MN 4420

Our client wishes to recruit a motor assessor to manage a garage.
His key responsibility will be to source accident vehicle repair business from insurance companies.
Applicants must have good contacts with insurance companies.
The manager will be on a monthly retainer and profit – sharing formular depending on set revenue targets.

* * *

Rush your application with a detailed CV and a daytime telephone number to:

Executive Selections Division,
Manpower Service (K) Ltd,
3rd Floor, Landmark Plaza,
Directly Opposite Nairobi Hospital Entrance,
P.O. Box 50736 – 00200, Nairobi

so as to reach us by 5th July 2010. Mark Job Ref. No. on top left of the envelope.

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