- Senior Assistant Database Administrator
- Research Fellow
- Planning Officer
- Senior Catering Officer
- Lecturer – Department of Wildlife Management
- Senior Lecturer (Economics) – Department of Economics and Agricultural Resource Management
- Lecturer (Economics) – Department of Economics and Agricultural Resource Management 2 Posts
- Lecturer – Department of Medicine – Division of Family Medicine
- Lecturers – Department of Mental Health 2 Posts
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following posts.
Vice Chancellor’s Office
Department of Information Communication and Technology
Senior Assistant Database Administrator
Scale 9/10
Applications must have a B.Sc degree in Computer Science, Information sciences, Information Technology or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
He/she must have technical skills in design, development, organization, configuration, operations and maintenance of database systems using different platforms such as SQL server, mysql, php and oracle. He/she should have at least one (1) year’s experience in the relevant field in a corporate environment.
The successful candidate will be expected to work in coordination with computer programmer to plan, design and implement the University corporate databases; perform database backups, monitoring, tuning and data recovery procedures; ensure database usage and any other duties as may be assigned by the Director of ICT.
Deputy Vice Chancellor’s Office (R&E)
Department of Institute of Gender Equity, Research and Development
Research Fellow
Scale 11 (xi)
1 Position
Applicants must have completed MA/M.SC. in a Social Science field.
- This should have a strong focus on gender and development issues. However, those with a Masters in Arts or Education and a Post Graduate Diploma in Gender and Development are encouraged to apply. Copies of certificates and transcripts must be attached to the application.
- Must have worked in a relevant field for at least two years since attaining a first degree:
- Must show evidence of report writing skills by attaching at least two samples of reports written while serving one of the organizations mentioned in the Curriculum Vitae. In addition, a copy fo the applicant’s MA thesis must accompany the application documents.
- Working knowledge of qualitative research approaches in addition to basic quantitative methods and different computer packages will be an added advantage.
Deputy Vice Chancellor’s Office (P&D)
Planning Officer
Scale 12 (xii)
1 Position
Applicants should be graduates from recognized universities with good first degree in either Arts or Sciences. They must have at least four (4) years working experience in data analysis, institutional data base development, strategic plan monitoring and evaluation experiences or back-up experiences in the Academic Planning field. Those with a Masters degree in any of the above listed areas will have an added advantage. Computer literacy is mandatory.
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
Catering and Hostels Department
Senior Catering Officer
Scale 13 (xiii)
1 Position
Applicants must be holders of Masters Degree in hospitality Management, Home Science or its equivalent from recognized Universities. He/she should have at least five (5) years post qualification working experience in an institution of Higher Learning or High “Class Hotel.
Those who do not have the above qualification but have worked with Moi University as Catering Officers may be considered.
The successful candidate will be responsible to the Catering and Hostels Manager, in Management of Catering Units of the University and will perform the following functions:-
- Planning of the Menus and their costing
- Organize time tables for the staff
- Ensure proper cleanliness of the kitchens and staff
- Acquisition and control of food stuff and equipment
- Creating harmony on student services in the Dinning Halls
- The position calls for a person who is resourceful, creative and productive.
Office of the Chief Academic Officer
School of Natural Resource Management
Department of Wildlife Management
Scale 12 (xii)
1 Position
Applicants should be holders of Ph.D. with a bias and strong subject combination in the field of Physiology/Diseases/Entomology and Nutrition.
Holders of a Masters degree in the relevant field will also be considered. MSc. applicants should have 2 publications in refereed journal and at least three (3) years of teaching experience at university level after attaining Master’s degree.
Department of Economics and Agricultural Resource Management
Senior Lecturer (Economics)
Scale 13 (xiii)
1 Position
Applicants should be a Ph.D holder in Economics and or equivalent qualifications and must have taught at University level since becoming lecturer for more than 4 years. He/she should be able to teach at least three of the following courses:- Advanced Microeconomics, Advanced Macroeconomics, Mathematical Economics, Econometrics, Policy analysis and two of the following:- Labour Economics, Economics of Health, Environmental Economics, Economics of insurance, Economics of Tourism, Public Sector Economics.
In addition, she/he should have published at least 4 papers in referred journals and must demonstrate their active involvement in research and community outreach programmes. Applicants for this post should also be prepared to work for long hours to ensure that high standards are maintained.
Those applicants who have shown exceptional competence in attracting competitive grants have an added advantage.
Lecturer (Economics)
Scale 12 (xii)
2 Positions
Applicants should preferably be Ph.D holders in Economics or equivalent qualification. Those with Masters degree must have taught at University level for more than 2 years and must produce documentary evidence of being currently registered in a Ph.D programme in the relevant discipline.
He/she should be able to teach at least three of the following courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Statistics, Mathematics or Economists, Econometrics; and two of the following:- Economics of Money and Banking; Managerial Economics; Public Finance and Economics of Health.
In addition, he/she should have published at least 2 papers in refereed journals. Applicants for this post should also be prepared to work for long hours to ensure that high standards are maintained.
School of Medicine
Department of Medicine – Division of Family Medicine
Scale 12 (xii)
1 Position
Applicants must have an MBChB or equivalent from a recognized university. In addition, he or she must have an M.Med (Master of Medicine) degree in Family Medicine or equivalent form a recognized university or other institution, and must be fully registered or registrable in Kenya as a Medical Practitioner by the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board or other relevant professional registration bodies.
Evidence of continuing education, length of postgraduate experience and evidence of published research work in refereed journals will be an added advantage and should be provided along with application. Attendance at seminars, workshops and conferences should also be documented and provided.
Department of Mental Health
Scale 12 (xii)
2 Positions
Applicants must have an MBChB degree or equivalent from a recognized university. In addition, he or she must have an M.Med psychiatry degree or its academic equivalent from a recognized University and must be fully registered or registrable with the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board.
Evidence of interest in research, such as publications in referred journals, and continuing education, such as participation at seminars workshops and conferences would be an added advantage.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Supervise higher degree students initiate and direct relevant research projects, participate in the implementation of an innovative curriculum namely, Community Based Education, Problem Based and Student Centred Learning.
The candidate will be expected to provide clinical service at the Moi National Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret and associated teaching health centers as well as participating in administrative responsibilities in the School of Medicine.
Salary Scale
- Dean of Students/professor Scale 15(xv) – Min.of Kshs.85,000/- p.m -Max ofKshs. 119,000 pm
- Senior Lecturer Scale 13 (xiii):- – Min of Ksh.63,531p.m. – Max of Ksh.86,400/-p.m.
- Senior Catering Officer 13 (xiii) – Min. of ksh.60,213p.m. – Max of Kshs.80,415/-p.m
- Planning Officer Scale 12 (xii) – Min. of Kshs.52,931/- p.m. – Max of Kshs.70,769/-p.m
- Lecturer Scale 12 (xii):- – Min ofKsh.55,848p.m. – Max of Kshs.75,600/-p.m.
- Assistant Lecturer/Research Fellow Scale 11 (Xi):- Min of Ksh.47,463p. m. – Max ofKshs.67,759/-p.m.
- Senior Assistant Database Administrator scale 9/10 (E/F): – Min of Ksh.22,252/-p.m. – Max of Ksh.33,957/-p.m.
How to Apply
Two (2) copies of applications should be submitted in writing together with an updated curriculum vitae giving details of applicant’s age, marital status, academic and professional qualifications, working experience, present post and salary, telephone contact, names and addresses of three referees plus copies of certificates and testimonials.
The reference number of the position applied for should be clearly indicated.
Applications are to be addressed to:
The Chief Academic Officer, Moi University, P.O. Box 3900,
Eldoret (Teaching positions)
Eldoret (Teaching positions)
OR The Chief Administrative Officer, Moi University, P.O. Box 3900,
Eldoret. (Non-teaching positions)
Eldoret. (Non-teaching positions)
So as to reach him not later than 18th June 2010.
Applicants are advised to contact their referees and request them to send their letter of reference to the above address.
The referees should write and send their recommendations under sealed envelop within three weeks from the date of this advertisement.
For those already in employment applications should be channelled through their Heads of Departments