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Monday, June 21, 2010

Makerere University Employment Jobs -Senior Climate Change Expert

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of Senior Climate Change Expert.
Context of the position available
Climate change and the strain on natural resources due to population growth and environmental degradation are
intensifying poverty and vulnerability of many people in sub-Saharan Africa.
Accordingly it is important that efforts to intensify adaptive capacity for harnessing the environment sustainably within broader development contexts commence now. Building capacity requires foundational interventions to support development and implementation of necessary climate change adaptation measures.
Moreover Climate Change adaptive capacity and strategies require institutional frameworks characterized by interventions that are fast, scaled, focused, and integrated across sectoral divides. These adaptation interventions must enable people to define appropriate technical adaptive measures, build adaptive capacity, and support policy creation and adoption.
These measures should also work together with sustainable development policies to influence social, economic and environmental outcomes in communities. Ultimately, understanding the appropriate response to climate change — informed by solid background of knowledge — will allow for better early warning systems, which are generally lacking in the most of SubSaharan Africa.
The Rockefeller Foundation through its Regional Head Quarters in Nairobi Kenya in collaboration with Makerere University is implementing a project to strengthen capacity building and research and development activities on climate change adaptation.
As part of the capacity building efforts of this project a position of a Senior Climate Change expert is available at Makerere University for a period of 2 years.
The Senior Climate Change Expert will be a visiting professor at Makerere University. She/He will support curriculum review, teaching, research, coordination and implementation of the project entitled “Strengthening East African Resilience and Climate Change adaptation capacity through training, research and policy interventions”.
The expert will also backstop the successful implementation of a competitive grants scheme for research activities to be implemented by the project, facilitate global and regional Partnership and networking, sharing and managing information and resource mobilization. The expert will be based at the Faculty of Agriculture, Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Project Management Team and Advisory Panel, the Senior Climate Change Expert will
have the following responsibilities:
1. Strategy development:
  • Help create strategy for climate change adaptation and agriculture at Makerere University specifically outlining areas of focus for training and research.
  • Help create strategy for joint policy development with NARO, regional community of practice, and other organisations and associations.
  • Help determine communications strategy for sharing policy briefs, memos, etc.
2. Backstop of climate change adaptation activities:
  • Facilitate curricular review process including stake-holder demand articulation process and identification of topic areas within adaptation to be covered. Provide input into content of curriculum and teaching materials.
  • Help to establish an East African community of practice focused on agriculture climate change adaptation through review of current networks and contributions to knowledge-sharing efforts.
  • Give input into policy memos and briefs developed by researchers, scientists and regional community of practice.
3. Fundraising for climate change activities:
  • Identify potential funding sources for climate change adaptation research.
  • Fundraise on behalf of Faculty of Agriculture for climate change adaptation initiatives at Makerere.
4. Capacity development at Makerere University:
  • Develop capacity of researchers and lecturers to write successful grant applications, i.e., provide feedback on proposal submissions.
  • Transfer climate change knowledge by advising postgraduate research, advising researchers on project design, methodology, etc., and presenting at workshops and seminars at Makerere University.
  • Develop capacity of researchers and lecturers to communicate and engage with policy makers, i.e., provide training, help to host policy workshops
Required Qualifications and Experience.
  • Holder of Ph.D in Climate Change Science.
  • Climate science expertise, (climate change adaptation expertise with leadership in research and technology development).
  • Demonstrated professional growth through, publications on climate change in internationally recognised journals and leadership of research teams on relevant climate change networks.
  • Demonstrated knowledge or interest in the East African Region.
Remuneration: An attractive package which is negotiable.
Tenure of Appointment: As part of the capacity building efforts of this project a position of a Senior Climate Change expert is available at Makerere University for a period of 2 years.
Please submit your application, Curriculum Vitae, Certificates and Transcripts (3 copies each set) giving full details of applicants’ education, qualifications, work experience, presentsalary and naming three referees, plus their postal
Applicants should make sure that at least two referees have forwarded references concerning their application.
Applications should be delivered to the Employment Division Office, Room 406, Top Floor, Main Building, Makerere  University, and addressed to: The Director Human Resources Makerere University Kampala. P.O.Box 7062, not laterthan 18/7/2010.
Closing Date: 18th July 2010

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