Request for Expression of Interest (Consulting Services)
Kenya Youth Empowerment Project Private Sector Internships and Training
Country: Kenya
Name of Project: Kenya Youth Empowerment Project
Sector: Social Protection
Consulting Services
Credit No.: 4697-KE
Project ID No.: P111546
The Government of the Republic of Kenya has applied for financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Kenya Youth Empowerment Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services.
The services include providing internship and training over a period of four (4) years to youths in the age bracket of 15-29 years, initially drawn from priority sectors identified in the Vision 2030 as potential growth areas, which include: Tourism; ICT; Finance; Energy; Manufacturing; and Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE).
Internships and training will target three categories of interns as follows:
A. Ages 24-29 and/or holding tertiary qualifications
B. Ages 18-23 and/or having 12 years of schooling to partial tertiary training
C. Ages 15-17 and/or having 8-11 years of schooling. This category can only participate in the MSE sector
Master Craftsmen in the MSE sector who expect to provide apprenticeship training to youths will also have their skills upgraded through training (management, marketing, legal and training facilitation) in order to accommodate interns.
The project seeks to provide third party didactic and experiential training of up to 12 weeks duration for the three categories of interns with shorter spells of training offered to Master Craftsmen. Training needs assessments have been completed for each sector and the training offered should be customized to meet sector needs.
Among the types of training to be offered are the following:
- Life skills training in residential experiential learning format, to cater for up to 700 interns.
- Human resource management and office practices.
- Marketing and customer care.
- Business administration, entrepreneurship and financial management.
- Basic computer use and advanced ICT techniques.
- Tourism studies.
- Energy resource use and management.
- Manufacturing and MSE technical skills as follows: environmental practices; food and beverage; agro-processing; metal and allied products; leather products; chemicals and allied products; pharmaceuticals and medical equipment; textiles and garments; plastics and rubber products; paper and paper board products; timber, wood products and furniture; motor vehicle and accessories; electrical and electronics, and mining.
Each class will have approximately 30-50 students.
The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (appropriate facilities; qualified/experienced trainers; evidence of similar training provided etc). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.
Training organizations will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, published in May 2004, and revised in October 2006 and May 2010.
Interested training organizations may obtain further information at the address below during office hours [8am- 5pm].
Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the address below by 5pm on June 25 2010.
Kenya Private Sector Alliance
Attn: Linda Thompson, Communications and Marketing Advisor
Shelter Afrique, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 3556-00100
Tel: 254-020-2730371/2
Fax: 254-020-2727883