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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gatebe Sponsor Writing and Web Publishing Job Vacancy

Gatebe Sponsor, a non-profit located in USA, is looking for a skilled writer for articles to publish in our website and newsletters.

This will involve writing articles that are related to our projects, current issues facing children in the area or country, community issues and related subjects.

Applicant must have strong writing skills, creativity, passionate on children matters, attentive to details, adheres to deadlines and has a strong command of English language.
Preferably, applicant should hold a higher level education degree in related field and or experience in similar area. Strong computer skills, reliable access to internet strongly preferred.

Interested parties should send an email to with subject “GS WRITER”. 
Attach a resume, and if available, send 2 own recent articles/work.

Compensations is available with this position.
To learn more about Gatebe Sponsor, visit

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