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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Desert Locust Control Organization Director Job Vacancy

Established by International convention signed by the Governments of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and registered with the United Nations
Headquarters: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Applications are invited for the post of Director of the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa.
Applicants must be nationals of the contracting States of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
The successful candidate shall be offered a three-year contract, renewable for a second term of three (3) years.
The Director shall be the Principal Executive-Officer of the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa and under the Council, responsible for the overall policy direction and operations of the Organization. The duties of the Director shall be those necessary to ensure the discharge of the main functions of the Organization, which include:
  • Aerial Surveys and Control of Mandated Migrant Pests [Locusts, Grain eating birds (Quelea), Armyworm] and a vector (Tsetse fly) in Eastern Africa
  • Operational Research Programmes and activities which are confined to Migrant Pest Control, Pesticide use and safety in the Region
  • Coordination of the information flow and forecasting upsurges of the Migrant Pests
  • Staff Development.
The Director shall also be responsible for:-
  • The transmission by means of periodic reports to Contracting States, to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and to any other official body considered appropriate by the Council, of full information on the nature of  the locust infestations and other mandated pests (Quelea birds, Armyworm and Tsetse Fly), the progress of research and the operation of control measures within the Region;
  • The maintenance of full cooperation with other Organizations concerned with the general directives of the Council;
  • The collection of the contributions of Contracting States;
  • The maintenance of the accounts of the Organization.
  • A Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Agriculture or its equivalent with postgraduate training in Business Administration/Management and experience of not less than 10 years working in a senior level Management in a related discipline.
  • Proven ability to work in harmony with people of different national and cultural backgrounds is highly desirable.
Language: Fluent in English, Knowledge of French is an advantage
Salary: DLCO-EA Scale R-1, i.e. US$ 26,530.00 to US$ 30,940.00 per annum. Entry point negotiable.
Benefits: The post carries house allowance or housing, medical, terminal indemnity and other benefits according to the Organization’s Service Regulations as well as the privileges and immunities accorded to it as an international Organization.
Applicants will use standard DLCO-EA Application Forms obtainable at the DLCO-EA Bases the Ministries of Agriculture in the respective Member Countries. Or at the DLCO-EAs Website:
Application Forms together with photocopies of supporting documents should be submitted to the under mentioned to reach him not later than 10th July, 2010.
Application envelopes should be marked “Application for Post of Director”.
P.O. Box 4255 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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