Cotton Development Authority, a State Corporation in the Ministry of Agriculture (Riverside Drive, Nairobi) is looking for suitably qualified candidates who are between 25 and 45 years of age for the following post:-
Driver II
CODA Salary Scale 1 (Ksh.10,207 x 510 – 10,717 x 551 – 11,254 x 563 – 11,817 x 599 – 12,416 x 642 – 13,058 x 675 – 13,733)
4 Posts (Malindi, Kisumu, Kabarnet & Kitui)
Duties and Responsibilities will entail:
- Driving the assigned vehicle;
- Carrying out routine checks on the vehicle’s cooling, oil, electrical, tyre pressure and brake systems etc;
- Detecting and reporting malfunctioning of the vehicle system;
- Maintenance of work tickets(s) for vehicle(s) assigned;
- Ensuring security and safety of the vehicle on and off the road;
- Overseeing safety of the passengers and/or goods therein; and
- Maintaining cleanliness of the vehicle(s).
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education mean grade D (plain) or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- A valid driving licence that is free from any current endorsement(s) for class(es) or vehicle(s) an officer is required to drive.
- Attended a First Aid Certificate course lasting not less than one(1) week at St. John Ambulance or Kenya Institute of Highway and Building Technology (KIHBT) or any other recognized institution;
- Passed suitability test for Driver Grade III;
- A current Certificate of Good Conduct from the Kenya Police; and
- At least three (3) years driving experience.
Interested candidates who meet the above requirements are required to send applications enclosing detailed curriculum vitae, copies of academic and professional certificates, testimonials, names of three (3) referees and day time telephone contact and quoting the job reference on the envelope to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Cotton Development Authority
P O Box 66271 -00800
Westlands, Nairobi
So as to reach him not later than Friday, 25th June, 2010.
Chief Executive Officer
Cotton Development Authority