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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Construction Manager and Architect Jobs in Nairobi Kenya

A reputable locally owned construction company based in Nairobi is looking for the following two categories of diligent individuals.

Construction manager – This person should be of high integrity, right attitude and good in organization skills. He/she should have the required academic qualifications and most importantly working experience of around 10 (ten) years. This job offers a competitive salary and an opportunity to turn this engagement into future shareholding.

Architect – This person should have a bachelor’s degree as the minimum academic qualification, highest level of integrity, be highly motivated and ready to build a solid clientele and maintain the highest standard of professionalism.
They should be ready to expand the design department and recruit the necessary support staff. The job offers a competitive salary and an opportunity of future ownership through shareholding.
Interested candidates to forward a cover letter and CV so as to reach us not later than Friday 9th July 2010, to:
and P. O Box 16491 – 00100, Nairobi.

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