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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Centre for Development Studies, Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath Scholarships

Centre for Development Studies, Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath

Start Date: September 2010

Closing Date for applications: Tuesday 8th June 2010

Applications are invited for a three year MPhil/PhD studentship in International Development at the University of Bath, to start in September 2010. This University Research Studentship is attached to the research project ‘Assessing Wellbeing for the Alleviation of Poverty’ funded by ESRC/DFID 2010-2013. The project aims to identify how poverty affects wellbeing and how different constellations of wellbeing in turn affect people's movements into and out of poverty. Fieldwork in Zambia and Nepal will involve a short wellbeing survey with 700 respondents and in-depth qualitative case studies.

Applicants should hold a Masters degree in International Development and/or Wellbeing.

A background in Psychology and previous experience of research in South Asia or Sub-Saharan Africa would be an advantage. The studentship will involve twelve months fieldwork, so applicants must be able to stay in rural Zambia and Nepal for extended periods.

The studentship provides tuition fees at home/EU rates (£4000 p.a.), a maintenance allowance of £13,290, plus £1,000 p.a. for training support. International candidates are welcome to apply, but will need themselves to cover the difference between home and overseas fee rates.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to, by 12 noon on the closing date. They should include a CV and short statement (maximum two pages A4) which sets out your interest and experience in researching wellbeing and international development, and any particular focus that you would hope to pursue within the overall project agenda. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed on Friday18th or Monday 21st June.

See  for further details, or contact the project leader, Dr Sarah White,, telephone (44) 1225 385298

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Scholarships and Fellowships
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