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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Call for applications: INTERIGHTS' 2nd annual women's human rights litigation surgery

INTERIGHTS  is pleased to announce a call for applications to lawyers who would like to participate in a forthcoming litigation surgery on women’s human rights. Applicants are required to submit cases involving women’s human rights violations.

The objective of the planned litigation surgery is to identify and provide substantive support to cases involving women’s human rights that could be pursued before domestic or international fora and to build relationships with lawyers undertaking such cases. The litigation surgery will be held in Kenya from 20th October to 22nd October 2010.
Criteria for eligibility:

-          The call for applications is open to lawyers, whether in private practice or affiliated to an NGO, who litigate on women’s human rights in Africa. It is desirable that lawyers have an affiliation to an NGO. A total of 12 participants will be selected;

-          The lawyers must have a demonstrated interest in and/or knowledge of women’s human rights;

-          The lawyers must also have a demonstrated interest in and/or knowledge of international and regional human rights law;

-     In order to be considered, the lawyers must be involved in litigating a case or cases that address women’s human rights violations. With their application, they must submit at least one case study of a case that they are litigating or intend to litigate that could be discussed during the litigation surgery;

-          The cases submitted must involve the violation of a fundamental right protected in a national constitution, African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (“ACHPR”), Economic Community of West African States (“ECOWAS”) Treaty, East African Community Treaty, Southern Africa Development Community Treaty (“SADC”), Treaty on the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (“CEDAW”).

-          The complainant must be willing to have the case litigated before their national courts and, if domestic remedies have been exhausted, to have the case referred to the ACHPR or other applicable treaty body.

-          The cases must fall within one of the following themes:

×           Violence against women
×           Sexual harassment
×           Women’s property rights including inheritance rights
×           Discrimination based on HIV AIDS
×           Family law

-          Applicants are encouraged to submit more than one case  

-          The working language for the meeting will be English
Closing date for applications: 30 July 2010

How to apply:

Please complete the attached application form and submit it together with your case summaries to Iya Kvitsiani-King at

If you should require any further information please contact Sibongile Ndashe at

Shortlisted applicants will be notified soon after the closing date and should be available for telephone interviews on 13 August 2009.

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