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Friday, December 3, 2010

Market Development Officer job in Uganda

Agribusiness initiative Trust

The MDO shall be responsible for all Trust's operational matters relating to commodity market development and trade related sanitary and phyto sanitary issues, inclusive but not limited to:
1. Developing operational plans in accordance to goals and practices set by the Board of Trustees
2. Identification of relevant stakeholders in the agribusiness market sector, including private sector organizations, development partners at government institutions
3 Ensuring collaboration with identified agribusiness marketing sector entities
4. Ensuring that experts and contracted business development service providers deliver the agreed and defined outputs
5. Providing informative reports in accordance to the monitoring and evaluation system
6. Supporting market development activities across supported value chains
7. Supporting SPS capacity building programmes
8. Supporting Farmers' Organizations (FOs) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to meet end market requirements
Requirements: Required experience:
The MDO shall have at least 5 years working experience with proven, experience of:
Market and enterprise development
2. Export promotion policies and practices
3. Commodity market development and management
4. Commodity quality standards
5. Good agricultural practices

Academic qualification
The MDO shall have a Degree in Agriculture. A Masters Degree in Agricultural Economic, Business Administration or related fields will be an added advantage.

Closing Date: 10 December 2011

Contact Info: Managing Director
Agribusiness initiative Trust

Plot 58 Lumumba Avenue
Tel: 0312 351 600
Fax 0312 351 620
P.0.Box 29851 Kampala

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