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Monday, November 8, 2010

General Sales Agents (GSA) Jobs in Kenya

Applications are invited by M/s Pakistan International Airlines Corporation from reputable and financially sound firms/companies for the appointment of Passenger GSA in Nairobi, Kenya for the expansion and widening of its sales base.

Such firms/companies must meet the following minimum requirements:

1. Should be locally registered firm/company.
2. Should have experience in the field of Passenger Sales.
3. Trading license as per local laws however preference will be given to parties having a proven record in the relevant field.
4. Applicant should not be an IATA approved agent. Its owners, directors/shareholders should have not been involved in default/bankruptcy proceedings or had a financial interest or a position of management in a defaulted IATA or GSA agency or any other firm/company.
5. Office should be preferably on ground floor and easily accessible to general public with ample parking space.
6. Should have qualified staff that has the ability of selling international air travel.
7. The applicant should have minimum paid-up capital/investment required under local laws. Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss Accounts not older than six months at the time of application duly audited by a Chartered Accountancy Firm.
8. Mutually agreed commission/service charges will be paid to the GSA.
9. Validity of GSA Agreement will be initially for three years. Other terms and conditions of the General Sales Agency Agreement would be negotiated.
10. Documents of company profile must be submitted along with the application.
11. Any other document/information, if so required will be intimated prior to the appointment.

Pakistan International Airlines Corporation reserves the right to reject or accept any application without assigning any reason or cause thereof.

Interested parties may send their applications along with relevant details on the following address through registered mail or courier service not later than 30days from the date of this advertisement.

Deputy General Manager
Agency Affairs
Pakistan International Airlines Corporation
Pia Head Office Building (Room No.202-A)
Karachi Airport-Pakistan

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