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Thursday, November 11, 2010

National Consultants: Preparation of Project Document - Capacity Building for Monitoring Service Delivery (2 Consultants Required), Kampala

Background to the UNDP Programme
In April 2010 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Uganda (GOU) endorsed the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) 2010 -2014. The CPAP is a five year framework defining mutual cooperation between the GoU and UNDP. The CPAP is aligned to GoU's National Development Plan (NDP), as well as the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF 2010-2014). It is nationally executed through the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MFPED).
The country programme has two main components which are Accountable Democratic Governance (ADG) and Growth and Poverty Reduction (GPR). In order to facilitate delivery of the components, UNDP and the MFPED have decided to prepare specific project documents deriving from the CPAP outputs , to guide the implementation and realization of the targets set therein. The project: “Capacity building for monitoring service delivery”, is derived from CPAP output 1.3.2, which is “Capacity for selected oversight entities and CSOs developed to monitor service delivery”. The project is ultimately envisaged to contribute to the realization of CPAP outcome 1.3: “Selected local governments and oversight entities have capacity and deliver accountable, inclusive, and demand-driven social and economic services”.
Background to the Proposed Project
Accountability is a key element in delivering good governance. It is characterized by elements such as: basic financial reporting, transparency and integrity in service delivery. The NDP observes that weak capacity for inspection and monitoring by accountability and oversight institutions, slow enactment of accountability legislations, low level of adherence to service delivery standards and compliance to the rules and regulations, lack of integrity in use of government resources, delayed discussion and adoption of accountability reports and implementation of recommendations and inadequate public participation and involvement in promoting ethical behavior are some of the key constraints affecting accountability in service delivery.
UNDP recognizes that demand for services and holding the government accountable is crucial for effective service delivery. The main focus of this project will be on strengthening selected oversight entities including Parliament of Uganda, National Planning Authority (NPA), and Inspector General of Government (IGG) to promote, supervise and implement accountability systems. In this endeavor UNDP will support the preparation of monitoring and evaluation tools for service delivery. It will also strengthen the demand side of accountability through strengthening the capacity of CSOs to demand for accountability and will also support the dissemination and monitoring of standards for service delivery.
Duties and Responsibilities
To firm up where UNDP contribution can be leveraged for delivery, based on its' mandate and within the broader framework of the CPAP 2010-2014 and UNDAF 2010-2014.
To identify programmatic interventions that will contribute to capacity development of selected oversight entities and CSOs to monitor service delivery.
To undertake the initial identification and assessment of the project risks.
To prepare one project document that will guide the implementation and delivery of the selected strategic interventions.
Scope of Work
The preparation of the project document shall commence with a project formulation exercise. This will involve identification/clarification of UNDPs niche and thus enable the articulation of conceptual and operational linkages of the outcome and output (i.e. show how the outputs in combination contributes to the outcome over the 4 year period), especially taking account of support from other development partners and the Government of Uganda. Based on the niche, the specific interventions and strategies shall be firmed up, as well as ensuring clear articulation of indicators , baselines , targets , and activities are in line with the CPAP and Results and Resources Framework (RRF). It will also inform selection of the implementing partner and collaborating partners for delivering on the output. This will be based on the mandates and experience in delivering the set output. To ensure project quality, the project formulation will build on lessons learnt during the implementation of CPAP 2006-2010 and stakeholders/partners participation, views and feedback. The project document will be used as the tool to guide efficient project management and for resource mobilization. It will be developed based on UNDP Project Document template and will reflect the following aspects:
Continuity over the four(4) year period of the CPAP;
Elaboration of specific deliverables and activities to be implemented to achieve those deliverables, with clear time lines and benchmarks. It will be important to determine the timeframe within which the different components will be delivered; and at which point the project should be closed;
Elaboration of synergies within the governance Programme Component and across the CPAP (2010-2014) as well as other similar programmes/projects;
Annualized work plans for the project duration with clear indication of responsible parties/partners
Integration of cross cutting issues including human rights based approach to programming; and the contribution to gender responsiveness. The project document should clearly show activities that will contribute to these cross cutting issues.
Clear monitoring and evaluation strategy;
Analysis and articulation of how best placed the proposed implementing partners are to implement the project e.g. based on mandate and capacity to act;
A clear partnership/collaboration strategy, by elaborating on the responsibilities of UNDP, the Implementing Partner and the collaborating partners;
State the composition of the project board as well as the terms of reference for the board;
Risks and how they can be mitigated; and
A clear exit strategy.
Tasks / Activities
1) Attend detailed joint briefing by the UNDP and MFPED/ALD on programming and clarification of expectations – one day after issuance of the contract.
2) Prepare and submit Inception Report to UNDP and MFPED/ALD.
Present inception report and discussion guide for consideration by the UNDP and MFPED/ALD prior to wider consultations.
3) Gather and analyze information to inform the project document formulation.
Review critical documentation/literature related to or that informs the UNDP programming, such as: United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2010/2014, Country Programme Document (CPD), CPAP document 2010/2014; the report on the Assessment of Development Results (ADR) of September 2009, project review reports, project evaluation reports, etc.
Undertake consultations with relevant key stakeholders from UNDP, UN agencies, Government, NGOs, CSOs development partners, media entities - to elicit and interrogate information that would inform the project document formulation and define all aspects of the project document.
4) Project document drafting and finalization
Submit draft project document based on the UNDP project document template.
Conduct quality assurance of the prepared project documents – based on the quality assurance templates that will be shared with the consultants during the initial briefing.
Present draft project document to pre Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) meeting prior finalization of project document – that should involve the UNDP office staff and selected resource persons.
Completion of draft final project document taking into consideration comments arising from the validation pre PAC meeting.
Prepare briefing and present draft final project documents to the PAC meeting for endorsement.
Complete and submit final project documents - ready for signature.
NB: Documents submitted should be both in softcopy form (Microsoft office word 2007) and 2 hard copies.
The information below outlines the deliverables and their estimated timelines:
1) Inception report is due 7th day after issuance of contract. It should indicate the following:
Responsiveness to the terms of reference: understanding, interpretation and constructive comments.
Methodology and instruments of carrying out the assignment
Work plan and implementation schedule.
2) Draft project document is due on the 14th day after inception report.
The draft project document should be prepared based on the UNDP project document template and should be informed by national level consultations and consultations with stakeholders.
3) Pre- Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) meeting briefing/presentation Half day pre PAC meeting is due on the 4th day after submission of draft project document. This should involve UNDP staff who will validate the project document and recommend for finalization.
4) Final draft project document is due on the 4th day after the pre PAC meeting and should incorporate comments arising from the pre PAC meeting.
5) Briefing and presentation of final draft project documents to the PAC meeting is due on the 4th day after the pre PAC meeting. It will involve members of the outcome board who are to validate and endorse the project documents.
6) Final project document (ready for signature) is due on the 4th day after the PAC meeting
The assignment is expected to take approximately 30 working days, starting in December 2010.
The consultants will work closely with the UNDP Accountable Democratic Governance team and the potential implementing partners and collaborating parties. They will report to and be accountable to the UNDP Team Leader for Accountable Democratic Governance. They will work under the overall guidance and leadership of the Country Director and Resident Representative. They will liaise on a day to day basis with the programme consultant.
At the conclusion of each deliverable, there will be a presentation to UNDP Senior Management in for guidance.
Towards the end of the assignment a pre PAC meeting and PAC meeting will be conducted and relevant comments and suggestions be appropriately incorporated in the final draft project document and final project document.
Technical skills:
Excellent analytical skills;
Excellent communication ad writing english skills;
Strong task management competency;
Required Skills and Experience
The assignment will be carried out by two national consultants with the following profile:
Expertise on local governance issues; including public administration, public policy and public sector management;
Minimum of Masters Degree in social sciences field, development studies or related field with a focus on governance;
Minimum of 10 years working experience in programming and project design;
Comprehensive knowledge of planning frameworks, policies and approaches for Uganda;
Capacity for strategic thinking;
Knowledge of Uganda development context; and
Knowledge of UNDP programming is an advantage.
Applicants should also attach the following documents:
A detailed curriculum vitae
2 samples of previous project documents developed, indicating the agency or institution for which it was designed.
Submission should be marked Project document preparation/Capacity building for monitoring service delivery.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

to apply

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