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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Senior Investigation Officer Job Readvertisement: National Commission and Integration Commission

NCIC Grade 4

This is to inform the general public that the requirement for appointment to this position were inadvertently omitted in the advertisement on 9th September 2010

Duties and Responsibilities
An officer at this level will work under an Assistant Director
Specific duties will entail:

* Undertaking investigations and resultant consequences;
* Attending to complaints, preparing report findings and appropriate recommendations to the Commission.

Requirements for Appointment
* Have a degree in criminology ,Law or any other related field from a recognized university
* have served in an investigation related profession for a minimum period of seven (7) years, three (3) of which must have been at senior management level in the Public Service or Private Sector
* be proficient in computer Applications
* have good interpersonal and communication skills
* not have been involved, implicated or associated with crimes which may require to be investigated under the National Cohesion and Integration Commission Act 2008; and

Applications attaching CVs and copies of testimonials should be sent to

The Commission Secretary
Delta House 4th Floor

P.O. Box 7055- 00100,

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