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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Laikipia University College Principal (KShs 357,770 to 453,162)

Laikipia University College
A Constituent College of Egerton University
Grade 17
Ref: LUC/P/1/2010
Laikipia University College is located 50km from Nakuru and 11 km from Nyahururu Town.
Currently, the College has a student and staff population of 1763 and 349 respectively, and growing. The college runs certificate, diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and has three campuses, Laikipia (main Campus), Naivasha and Nyahururu.

The College Council now invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals with excellent credentials to fill the post of the College Principal.

Qualifications and Experience

The Principal as the Chief Executive of the University College should have the following qualifications and experience;

* Be a Professor or Associate Professor with an earned PhD or its equivalent from a recognized university.
* At least 10 years of experience in senior academic (at the level of senior lecturer and above) and management positions.
* Leadership experience in a modern university environment.
* Ability and leadership skills to effectively co-ordinate the academic and administrative functions in the university college. Provide academic and research leadership.
* Knowledge of strategic planning in education development
* Proven capacity to promote learning, teaching, research and development in a university.
* Knowledge of national laws and policies in education.
* Be of the highest ethical standards, integrity and professionalism.

Working under the general direction of the Council the successful applicant shall:

* Be the academic and administrative head of the University College.
* Have overall responsibility of the direction, organization, administration and programmes of the University College.
* Be responsible to the Council for the general conduct and discipline of students.
* Ensure effective accountability to the Council for proper management of the University College.

Terms and conditions of service are performance based and include the following:

* Basic salary, in the salary scale of Kes. 239,270 – 334,662
* House allowance of Kes.70,000.00 per month
* Other remunerative allowances of Kes.48,500 per month.

In addition the Principal will be entitled to the following benefits:

* Medical cover as per the University College Medical Scheme
* Leave Allowance
* A chauffeur-driven official car
* A gratuity of 31% of basic salary at the end of contract

The contract of this position will be on a 5 year term and the successful candidate shall be eligible for re-appointment upon the expiry of the contract.

Methods of application;
1. A hard copy of comprehensive application with CV containing current remuneration, names and postal addresses of three referees plus their email contacts should be posted via REGISTERED MAIL or courier, in an envelope marked POST OF PRINCIPAL, LAIKIPIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE and addressed to:

The Chairman of the Council
Laikipia University College
P.O. Box 1100 – 20300,

2. A soft copy of the application should be sent by email to:

Applications (hard and soft copies) should reach the Chairman by October 28th 2010 before 5.00 p.m. Only registered hard copies will be considered. Any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.N.B:

For more details visit our web site:
Laikipia University College is an equal opportunity employer.

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