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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Africa Nazarene University is a Christian Chartered University that integrates faith with learning to produce well rounded individuals who are able to meet challenges of their time.

Applications are invited from qualified professionals to fill the following position:

# Holder of a diploma in electrical and electronics course from reputable institutions, have a minimum of 3 years relevant working practical experience in the relevant field, ability to multi-task, set the highest personal standards of work performance, confident, aggressive and forward thinking person.

Applications giving full details of age, marital status, education and professional qualifications, experience, current post, salary and other financial benefits, copies of certificates, curriculum vitae, transcripts, names and addresses of three referees (one of whom should be present or previous employer).

Address to:
The Vice Chancellor,
Africa Nazarene University,
P.O. Box 53067-00200,

Applications could also be dropped at Ngong Road Campus Office at the Central Church of the Nazarene, so as to reach the office not later than 22nd October

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