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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Egerton University Division of Academic Affairs Jobs

1. Registrar Academic Affairs
1 Post
Grade XV – EU/AA/2010 – 0907

The post plays a key leadership role in management of Academic Affairs and general administration of the University. The successful candidates will therefore provide sound guidance on academic issues and his/her duties will include:

* Formulation and provision of policy guidelines on planning, development and management of academic programmes.
* Preparation of curricula/syllabuses, rules and regulations governing the implementations of academic programmes
* Co-ordination of both continuous assessment and final examinations
* Guiding Chairmen of Departments, Deans of Faculties, Director of Schools or Institutes and managers of Academic centres and running of academic programmes.
* Overseeing the administration of the students’ welfare services
* Working closely with Deputy Vice Chancellors on staff development, training and research programmes.
* The Registrar will report to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs).


* Applicants must have a PhD degree and be at the rank of Associate Professor and above.
* They must have worked as Chairman, Dean/Director in a University.
* The ideal candidate should be conversant with the running of Academic Affairs in a University
* In addition the candidate should be conversant with modern management techniques and be computer literate.

Terms & Conditions of Service

* 5 year contract renewable on mutual agreement.
* Salary Scale - Grade XV Ksh. 113,140 x 3,687 – 135,262 x 6,068 – 165,600/= per month.
* House allowance – Kshs.64,500.00
* Medical cover as per University Medical Scheme
* A gratuity of 31% of basic salary shall be paid at the end of the contract.

A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae that contains details of the current remuneration names, postal and e-mail addresses of three (3) referees should be submitted alongside the applications and be sent to:

The Deputy Vice Chancellor
Administration and Finance
Egerton University
P. O. Box 536 – 20115,

So as reach him not later than 15th October, 2010.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

2. Principal - Nakuru Town Campus
Grade XVI
1 Post – EU/AA/2010– 0908

Egerton University, the oldest institution of higher learning in Kenya invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals with excellent credentials to fill the post of Principal, Nakuru Town Campus. The campus is located in Nakuru town along the George Morara Avenue opposite Nakuru-Eldoret Highway. The current student population is 2125.

The campus hosts the following programmes:

* Bachelor of Commerce
* Master of Business Administration
* Bachelor of Industrial Technology
* Diploma in Computer Science
* Bachelor of Library and Information Science
* Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media )
* 2+2 Twinning Programme between Egerton University and University of Michigan, USA

Qualifications and Experience:

The Principal shall be the head of administration and academic programmes in the Campus College and should have the following qualifications and experience:

* Be a Professor or Associate Professor with an earned Ph.D. or its equivalent from a recognized University.
* At least six (6) years of experience in senior, academic and management positions (at the level of Senior Lecturer and above).
* Leadership experience in a modern University environment
* Must have served as a Dean of Faculty or Director of a School for at least two (2) years.
* Ability and leadership skills to effectively coordinate the academic, research and administrative functions in the campus.
* Knowledge of strategic planning in education development
* Proven capacity to promote learning, teaching, research and development in a campus college.
* Knowledge of national laws and policies in education.
* Be of the highest ethical standards, integrity and professionalism.

Duties & Responsibilities

Working under the general direction of the Vice Chancellor the successful applicant shall:

* Be the academic and administrative head of the Campus College
* Have overall responsibility of the direction, organization, administration and programmes of the Campus College
* Be responsible to the Vice Chancellor for the general conduct and discipline of the students
* Ensure effective accountability to the Vice Chancellor for proper management of the Campus College.

Terms and Conditions of Service

Terms and conditions of service are performance based and include the following:

* Salary Grade XVI Kshs. 231,127 – 290,122 per month
* Medical cover as per the University Medical Scheme.
* Leave Allowance Kshs. 65,000.00.
* A chauffeur driven official vehicle.
* A gratuity of 31% of basic salary shall be paid at the end of the contract period.

The contract of this position will be on a five (5) year term and the successful candidate shall be eligible for re-appointment upon the expiry of the contract.

A comprehensive curriculum vitae that contains details of the current remuneration, names postal and email addresses of three (3) referees should be submitted alongside the application and be sent through registered mail and marked ‘POST OF Principal Nakuru Town Campus College’ addressed to:

The Vice Chancellor
Egerton University
P. O. Box 536 – 20115, Egerton
Tel: 051-221789/1
Fax: 051-2217827
Email :

The closing date is 15thOctober 2010.

Any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification

For more details visit the University website:

Those who had applied earlier need to review their applications and re-apply.

Egerton University has been certified in:-

* ISO 22000:2005 (Food Quality Management System)
* ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management Systems)

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