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Friday, October 15, 2010

Credit Analyst

Recently rated as the Fastest Growing Bank in the country, we are a dynamic, medium-sized Bank with a growing Branch network. We provide a wide range of innovative banking and financial solutions to our clients.
We are seeking dynamic, experienced professionals to join our team and hereby invite applications for the following position:

Credit Analyst

Responsible for corporate and SME credit risk assessment and monitoring.

* Conducting detailed credit analysis of applications received and proposals prepared.
* Reviewing and providing recommendations on the adequacy of collateral provided against loans and advances.
* Conducting periodic reviews of facilities and giving recommendations.
* Conducting regular monitoring of compliance to ensure profitability and performance.

Qualifications and Competencies

* 2 years experience in credit analysis, monitoring and control of loans and debt management
* Bachelors degree. CPA (K) an added advantage
* Legal and regulatory banking knowledge and experience would be advantageous;

Applications accompanied by detailed CV, one coloured passport-size photograph, copies of relevant certificates and a daytime telephone contact should be sent to to reach us before the 29th of October2010.

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