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Monday, November 8, 2010

UNDP Project Formulation/ Project Document Preparation Consultancy in Uganda

Background to UNDP Programme

In April 2010 UNDP and the Government of Uganda (GOU) endorsed the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) 2010 -2014, a five year plan that guides the implementation of development interventions that respond to government prionties as stated in the National Development (NDP).

Aligning to national development porities, the UN system in the country developed the United Nations Development Assistance framework (UNDAF 2010-2014) which aims to support the government in addressing challenges identified in the NDP. The CPAP therefore responds to the pñorities as articulated in the UNDAF.

The country programme has two main components which are Accountable Democratic Governance (ADG) and Growth and Poverty Reduction (GPR). UNDP requires the services of consultants to develop projects for the 2 outcome areas under the GPR component.

Outcome area (2.2) on “Increased productivity, competitiveness and employment in Agriculture, Trade and Tourism sectors particularly benefitting women and youth.”; the proposed projects are:

1. (2.2.2)” Functional and inclusive markets in selected sub sectors in place” – This assignment requires one international consultant and one national consultant

2. (2.2.1)” National policies and regulatory frameworks for the Agriculture, Trade and Tourism sectors reviewed/developed. This assignment requires two (2) national consultants

Outcome 2.3” “Enabling Environment for Sustainable Environment and Natural Resources Management (ENRM), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) as well as Climate Change (CC) adaptation and mitigation in place.”; the proposed projects are:

3. (2.3.1) “Selected Policies and Strategies for sustainable ENRM, CC adaptation and mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in place” – This assignment requires one international consultant and one naonaI consultant

4. (2.3.2) “Sustainable Environment and Natural Resources Management (ENRM) CC adaptation and mitigation pilot initiatives that in form policy implemented by Local Government (LG) and Civil Society Organizations (CSO5)”

This assignment requires two (2) national consultants

Location for all the consultancies: Kampala, Uganda
Application Deadline: 19th November 2010
Type of Contracts: Special Service Agreement (SSA)

Languages Required: English
Starting Date: (date when the selected candidates are expected to start): 1st December 2010
Duration of Initial Contract: 30 Working Days

For further details on the job description/terms of reference and application processes for each of the above separate international and national consultancies, please visit and submit applications for the specific area of expertise.

All applicants are to upload two (2) different samples of previous project documents they have developed along with their CVs on the above website.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

UNDP is an equal opportunity employer.

Qualified women are highly encouraged to apply.

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