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Monday, November 8, 2010

Kenya ICT Incubation Program Host Organization (Incubation Partner) Selection Expression of Interest (EOI)

Expression of Interest (EOI) for Kenya ICT Incubation Program
Country: Kenya
Name of Project: Kenya Transparency & Communication Infrastructure Project (TCLP).

Credit No: 4284-KE
Bid Description: Kenya ICT Incubation Program
Bid Ref. Number: KICTB/KTCIP/EOI/11/2010-2011

This Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) wb: op00000610 for this project that appeared in the United Nations Development Business on the 30th November 2007 and online on 2’ November, 2007.

The Government of Kenya has received financing from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the
Kenya Transparency & Communications Infrastructure Project (TCJP), Credit No. 4284-IcE; Project ID No. P094103. TCIP is being implemented by the Kenya ICT Board under the Ministry of Information and Communications (MoIC) .

Part of the proceeds of this Credit will be used towards payments under the contract for “Kenya ICT Incubation Program”.

Background Information

Given the importance of the ICT industry for creating growth and generating opportunities in Kenya, especially among young people, and its growing contribution to GDP, the Government of Kenya is keen to take up a focused enterprise development initiative in close collaboration with the private sector.

Objective of Assignment

To select a host organization (incubation partner). The host organization will support emerging ICT businesses and incubate them towards success and growth. The vision for the pilot incubator is that it will eventually become a national ICT business support center contributing strategically to the sector’s growth.

Scope of Services

The Incubator will be guided by a business plan, agreed upon with the Kenya ICT Board and with the leadership of an Incubation manager selected competitively by the Kenya ICT Board. The incubation model to be agreed upon with the host organization will be expected to carry out the following services:

* Create affordable office space for small and mid-sized ICT companies
* Create knowledge sharing and transfer
* Build capacity among the broader business community in the use of ICTs and business reengineering
* Attract foreign investment into local ICT companies and services providers
* Position Kenya as an ICT innovator on the African continent
* Generate funds in the longer term to support its expansion
* Create linkages with strategic partners in building a sustainable ecosystem


The Kenya ICT Board (KICTB) now invites host organizations interested to manage the Kenya ICT incubation program using their facilities. Interested host organizations must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services. This should include evidence of;

* The availability of facilities that can be used, with relatively little adaptation, to accommodate start-ups and SMEs, and which can be scaled up over time as the incubator grows;
* A close link to innovation and to entrepreneurs and the ability to generate, or attract, a steady flow of ICT business start-ups and requisite funding;
* Energetic and inspired management, able to provide vision to the ICT community;
* A viable business plan, geared towards meeting the objectives and purposes outlined above, and capable of sustaining growth after the expiry of the grant-support period;

The selection criteria will be further elaborated during the Request for Proposals (RFP) phase of the procurement process.

Time Frame:

This assignment is estimated to cover an initial two-year engagement for grant support with the possibility of extension, depending on the overall success of the program.

Interested host organizations may obtain further information via the email address provided ( or at the address below between 8.00 a.m. – 1.00 P.M. and 2.00 P.M – 5.00 P.M East African Time.

Following the EOI, Kenya ICT Board will issue Requests for Proposals (RFP) to successful EOI applicants. Host organizations will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (published May 2004 and revised October 1, 2006). Completed EOI documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked “Kenya ICT Incubation Program” should be addressed to:

The Deputy CEO/TCIP Programme Manager
Kenya ICT Board
Kenya Transparency & Commumcations Infrastructure Project (KTCIP)
12th Floor, Teleposta Towers Kenyatta Avenue [Entrance]
P.O. Box 27150 – 00100, Nairobi
+254- 020- 2089061
+254- 020- 2089061

And deposited in the ‘TENDER BOX’ located on 12th Floor Teleposta Towers, Kenyatta Avenue Entrance. Applications by email should be sent to This should be received on 19th November 2010 by 5:00 pm East African Time.

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