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Monday, November 8, 2010

Consultancy Services on International IT Investment and Outsourcing Country Positioning

Republic of Kenya

Ministry of Information and Communications

Expression of Interest (EOI) for Consultancy Services on International IT Investment and Outsourcing Country Positioning

The Kenya Information and Communications Technology Board (Kenya ICT Board) which is a State Corporation under the Ministry of Information and Communications is responsible for the development and marketing of Kenya as leading IT investment, offshore services location and Outsourcing destination. The mandate of the Kenya ICT Board is drawn from Kenya’s Vision 2030 in which Kenya aims to become a top-3 outsourcing location in Africa by 2015.

Background Information

As part of the Kenya ICT Board’s mandate, there has been development of complimentary programs to develop the sector as follows;

* The development of a capacity building initiatives for the IT Enabled Services and Outsourcing sector, key of which are the development of National Centre of Excellence for Business Process Outsourcing training, and the establishment of a national software standard, expected to be in place by mid 2011
* The commencement of National and International Marketing Programs
* The execution of the Kenya Transparency and Communications Infrastructure Project (KTCIP), a World Bank supported program;

1. to develop national digital access through the digital access centres across the country,
2. to administer the disbursement of grants to entrepreneurs for the development of local digital content,
3. to establish a public sector shared services centre consolidating back office in government, (being implemented by Kenya’s Directorate of E-government),
4. to provide digitization of public sector registries in preparation for full automation, and
5. to provide subsidised internet connectivity and laptop purchase for university students across Kenya.

* The establishment of working agreements with global ICT players already present in Kenya.

Objective of the Assignment

To undertake an International Country Positioning Assignment for the Kenya ICT Board

Specific Tasks

1. Establish and rank Kenya in order for Kenya to obtain a global competitiveness ranking that we can use to benchmark our country against other emerging destinations by key country attribute as well as by specific sub-sector competitiveness. This task also includes ensuring that Kenya improves its ranking, in key globally recognised location and offshore services over the assignment period.
2. Provide the Kenya ICT Board with continuous access to the organization’s other analysts’ reports in order to strengthen our marketing. These include key country benchmarks.
3. Working with the relevant stakeholders to establish and update the key focus areas of Kenya’s outsourcing offering as proposed in the 2009 developed Kenya Value Proposition for Outsourcing.
4. Help to pitch Kenya to potential IT and Outsourcing investment decision makers in key geographies, namely, United States of America, United Kingdom and others through joint marketing efforts including, analyst forums, outsourcing seminars, conferences and workshops, with specific emphasis on enabling Kenya to showcase its potential as an emerging Outsourcing and IT investment destination.
5. To develop direct investor engagement, with specific emphasis on relevant suppliers (for global and regional delivery centres) and buyers for shared services centres.
6. Assist in preparation of key country marketing collateral including country analyst briefs, country presentations, international media releases as may be required.

Time Frame:

This assignment is estimated to take one (1) year.


The Kenya ICT Board invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services.

Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services, that is;

* Information indicating experience in similar conditions
* Information indicating a track record in the field of international branding, marketing and benchmarking/ranking
* Demonstrated knowledge of the Global outsourcing landscape
* Availability of appropriate skilled staff
* Proven ability to prepare country, sector and facilities marketing collaterals
* A description of similar assignments managed in the past e.g. organizing international events, road shows, high level industry, thought leadership forums etc

Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.

Interested consultants may obtain further information via the email address provided ( or at the address below between 8.00 a.m. – 1.00 P.M. and 2.00 P.M – 5.00 P.M East African Time.

Following the EOI, Kenya ICT Board will issue Requests for Proposals (RFP) to successful EOI applicants.

Completed EOI documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked “International IT Investment and Outsourcing Country Positioning” should be addressed to:

The Chief Executive Officer
Kenya ICT Board
12th Floor, Teleposta Towers Kenyatta Avenue [Entrance]
P.O. Box 27150 – 00100, Nairobi
+254- 020- 2089061
+254- 020- 2089061

And deposited in the ‘TENDER BOX’ located on 12th Floor Teleposta Towers, Kenyatta Avenue Entrance. Applications by email should be sent to: This should be received on 3rd December, 2010 at 10.00 a.m.East African Time.The documents will be opened immediately thereafter in the boardroom located on 12th floor in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may choose to attend.

Head of Supply Chain management
For: Chief Executive Officer

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