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Friday, November 5, 2010

JKUAT Embu College Campus Job Vacancies in Kenya

1. Teaching positions
We require fulltime and part time teaching staff qualified, competent and experienced in lecturing in various subjects
offered in the above courses. Applications should be received by 20th November 2010.
2. Head of school of law
The applicant should have at least three years lecturing experience in legal studies and one year experience in
departmental headship
3. Head of Business Management Department
The applicant should have at least three years lecturing experience in business related areas and one year experience
in departmental headship
4. Marketing Agents
Established marketing agents in various counties are required to market our programmes in their regions. Interested
agents should express their interest by 20th November 2010
5. Marketing officer
The applicant should be a holder of at least first degree in business related areas and at least three years experience in
sales and marketing
The Principal
Embu College Campus
P.O Box 956-60100, Embu,

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