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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Creafinity Ltd Looking For A PHP Developer

Creafinity Ltd is looking for a PHP Developer to join our development team. We are a company that deals with Website Design and Development, Graphic Design, Flash Animation and Management Systems.

The developer needs to:
1. Be available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
2. Be good in AJAX, PHP5, MYSQL5. Knowledge of Frameworks (Kohana, CodeIgniter) an advantage.
3. Knowledgeable in Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign (CS3 and above)
4. Have proper reporting and documentation habits
5. Fast learner and deliver on time.
6. Knowledge of WAP an advantage

Please write your applications to
You may send links to some of the work that you have done. Also, be prepared to be tested during the first interview.

Application Deadline: 5th Nov 5.00PM.

Human Resources
Creafinity Information
Creafinity Ltd | Beautiful Functionality
Landline: + 254 20 80026 80
+ 254 20 80026 80     

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