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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Local Trainers Sudan Referendum in Nairobi, Eldoret, Kakuma and Dadaab)

OCVR Kenya is searching for local trainers (Duty station: Nairobi, Eldoret, Kakuma, and Dadaab)

to organize and deliver quality training to the Referendum Centre staff, assist with the logistics for the organization of training, monitors the compliance of registration and exhibition procedures by the staff of branch offices, if requested.

The candidates should have previous relevant training experience, preferably in the electoral field, training delivering skills, excellent communication skills, good command of English and preferably at least one of the southern Sudanese Languages. Entry on duty date: as soon as possible.

The candidates are invited to send their CVs to

Thank you for your support in advance!

Best regards,


Sylvia BROMM
Human Resources
OCV Southern Sudan
Nairobi, Kenya

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