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Friday, November 19, 2010

Systems Development Officer job in Kenya

Reporting to the Information Systems Manager, this position will provide a supportive role of developing and implementing policies, procedures and supervising personnel in the upgrading of client server software and hardware.

The key responsibilities of this role will include:-
Leading in maintenance of the I.S. infrastructure and execution of the I.S strategy.
Managing the co-ordination, Identification, and resolution of multi-site conflict and issues as related to computer systems, applications and networks.
Managing the systems security and networks against computer virus and other forms of malicious attack.
Leading the provision of timely and responsive support to users, systems, and network problems and issues across the organization.
Planning and organizing training for all staff on network changes
Leading in the development of procedures to install and maintain computer systems to meet the needs of NWH
Qualifications and Skills
Bachelors Degree in Technology or equivalent
MCSE or equivalent
Diploma in Programming
At least 3 years relevant work experience

All applications can also be emailed to with NURSE IN-CHARGE,INFORMATIONS SYSTEMS MANAGER, ACCOUNT ASSISTANT, SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT OFFICER and NETWORK SUPPORT SUPERVISOR as the subject line by 5.00 p.m. Friday, 26th November 2010.

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