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Thursday, November 4, 2010

FilmAid Kenya Script Writer / Drama Director Job Vacancy

Position: Script Writer / Drama Director

FilmAid Kenya invites applications from qualified Kenyans to fill the above position. The position will involve extensive work in Kakuma Refugee camp, Turkana District.

FilmAid International is a non-governmental organization that uses film to promote health, strengthen communities and enrich the lives of the world’s vulnerable and uprooted.

FilmAid is currently implementing a short term project with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Dadaab refugee camps, creating educational materials on issues of public health.

Specific tasks for the Scriptwriter/Drama Director:
Adapting information gathered from nutritional surveys, focus group discussions and key informant interviews and other secondary data into film storylines, in consultation with the relevant project staff, UNHCR, IRC and NCCK.
Prepare and present for review a story line for the film.
In collaboration with relevant project staff, develop a film script based on the theme and present for review.
Together with relevant project staff, audition and select actors and locations. The scriptwriter is expected to work in a participatory manner to ensure timely and efficient execution of the project.
Develop accompanying shooting script for the film script
Direct actors during film shoots.
Select dubbing actors and coordinate the translation of the film into Amharic, Kiswahili, Arabic, Dinka and Somali.
Direct dubbing actors in recordings.
Editing of the film in English and dub the film into Amharic, Kiswahili, Arabic, Dinka and Somali.
Expected Outputs:

This project should see the production of a 30 minute drama on family planning in English and other versions done in Amharic, Kiswahili, Arabic, Dinka and Somali.

The successful candidate will work with the community to develop scripts for short films, audition actors and conduct rehearsals as well as work with the film producer during productions.

The ideal candidate should have experience in using drama or other creative expressions to disseminate information. He / she must have experience in scriptwriting and directing community drama productions.

Knowledge of Somali culture and language is preferable; the candidate should be able to work with minimum supervision and should be available immediately.

Please email applications with ONLY COVER LETTER, CV AND 3 REFERENCES ASAP to:

Applications to be submitted through email only by latest 5th November 2010

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