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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Evaluation of Support to Electoral Reforms and Constitutional Referendum Project

Short Term Assignment to Undertake an Evaluation of Support to Electoral Reforms and Constitutional Referendum Project

1. Background

1.1. Interim Independent Electoral Commission

The Government of Kenya established the Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC) following recommendations by the Independent Review Commission of the 2007 Post-Elections (IREC) and subsequent enactment of the Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Act No. 10 of 2008. It replaced the defunct Electoral Commission of Kenya which was accused of mismanaging the 2007 parliamentary and presidential elections resulting in the loss of over 1000 lives and displacement of hundreds of thousands of people. The mandate of the IIEC was very specific.

1.1. Support of UNDP and Other Development Partners

In response to a request from the Government of Kenya through IIEC, UNDP established a joint programme of support with other development partners entitled: “Support to Electoral Reforms and Constitutional Referendum Process in Kenya.” This in cognizance of the enormous task IIEC faced in spearheading reforms of the electoral processes in Kenya and tight timelines towards the referendum.

The Project sought to provide support in terms of technical and financial assistance for the period running between October 2009 and December 2010. This period was to cover two major events: the national voter registration and the referendum on the draft constitution. The lessons learned in this phase, intended to feed into a more long-term programme of support focused on the period 2011-2013.

2. Objective

The overall objective of the evaluation is to (1) assess the impact of the “Support to Electoral Reforms and Constitutional Referendum Processes in Kenya” Project and (2) producing recommendations for future electoral assistance programmes. The Evaluation is expected to improve the effectiveness of electoral assistance programmes supported by UNDP and its partners in strengthening electoral systems and processes in Kenya.

3. Application Process

For the full Terms of Reference (ToR) and requirements please visit UNDP Kenya’s Website:

Applications should be addressed to on or before COB, 23rd November 2010

Additional Considerations

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Applications received via other means will not be accepted

Acknowledgements will be sent to only applicants who strictly meet requirements of the post

UNDP Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any submissions.

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