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Friday, November 19, 2010

UNICEF Kenya Jobs: Communications Officer and Emergency Officer Vacancies

UNICEF Kenya Country Office has 2 Fixed Term posts for passionate and committed professionals who want to make a lasting difference for children in Kenya.

We are seeking candidates who are committed to women and children, have high drive for results, integrity, demonstrable teamwork, good self-awareness and self-regulation to perform against the two posts listed below;

1) Communications Officer - Donor Relations (NOB)

2) Emergency Officer (NOB)

For more information and details on the above posts, please visit our website at

Please note applications closing date is 2nd December 2010.

Interested and suitable candidates should ensure that they forward their applications along with their curricula vitae, (internal candidates should attach copies of their last two Performance Evaluation Reports), to;

The Human Resources Specialist
UNICEF Kenya Country Office
Email address:

Please indicate Reference Nos. “KCO/EMERG/2010-12” for Emergency Officer and “KCO/DRO/2010-21” for Communications Officer, Donor Relations in the email subject.

“Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply”

Zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse

UNICEF is a smoke-free environment

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