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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tea Board of Kenya Development of a Tea Industry Training Curriculum

Expression of Interest (EOI) for Development of a Tea Industry Training Curriculum

The Tea Board of Kenya (TBK) is a State Corporation established under the Tea Act (Cap 343) of the laws of Kenya with a core mandate of Regulating and developing the tea industry in all aspects of tea growing, research, manufacture, trade and promotion. The Board also disseminates information relating to tea and advises the Government on all policy matters regarding the Tea industry through the Ministry of Agriculture.

TBK has undertaken a Training Needs Assessment of the Tea Industry in Kenya for the purpose of developing a curriculum which will eventually guide training of tea industry stakeholders.

TBK wishes to invite interested institutions of Higher learning and tertiary education to indicate interest in Partnering with the Tea Board of Kenya (TBK) and Tea Research Foundation of Kenya (TRFK) to develop a training curriculum for Tea Industry personnel. The expression of interest should indicate the following;

Statements of capability and evidence of similar experience undertaken previously in the development and implementation of an Industry based training program.
Demonstrate an understanding of the Agriculture sector, preferably the tea industry.
List of CV`s of at least three key personnel earmarked for deployment to the assignment.
Certificates of registration from Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology or Commission for Higher Education.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted to the Board in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked
“Expression of Interest for Development of a Tea Industry Training Curriculum” and should be addressed and
submitted to:

The Managing Director
Tea Board of Kenya
Tea Board Plaza
P.O. Box 20064 -00200
Nairobi, Kenya

To be deposited in the tender box at Tea Board House Naivasha Rd -off Ngong Road on or before 12 o`clock ,1st December 2010.

Late submissions shall not be accepted.

Firms that use courier services should dispatch their submissions in good time to ensure timely submissions

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