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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Poverty Economist Job Vacancy in Kigali Rwanda - The World Bank

The World Bank seeks to locally recruit a dynamic professional as a Poverty Economist to be based in Kigali, Rwanda. This is a one (1) year Co-Terminous Appointment (subject to renewal depending on funding, performance and business need).

The key roles for the Poverty Economist include:

Economic analysis of growth and poverty reduction: The candidates will perform or supervise high quality analytical work using household and firm surveys in order to analyze household behavior and choices as they relate to poverty and the Millennium Development Goals.

The work will include the analysis of the impact of interventions and policy reforms on poverty (Poverty and Social Impact Analysis), the impact of public expenditures on poverty reduction as well as the design of improved data systems for poverty monitoring.

Implementation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs): All partner countries have a completed PRSP, and some are in the process of preparing a new poverty and growth strategy.

Due to the fact that the poverty reduction has been uneven and is threatened by the global economic crisis; evaluating the approach taken and the obstacles to effective implementation becomes even more essential.

The successful candidate will be expected to advise on ways to advocate for and facilitate the implementation poverty reducing policies, and ensure a better interaction between academia, civil society and implementing agencies such as Ministries.

The successful candidate should hold a minimum of a Masters Degree or preferably PhD in Economics, with at least 5 years of relevant professional experience with a personal commitment to fight poverty.

Extensive experience in household survey-based analysis of poverty.

Experience in the analysis of the macroeconomic aspects of poverty reduction, especially the link between PRSPs and the budget through Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks.

Experience with related social and gender issues, design of household surveys, fiscal and debt sustainability and in the costing of Poverty Reduction, micro-macro simulation techniques, and/or in the analysis of the sources of growth is a plus.

For the full job description and full selection criteria, qualified candidates are requested to visit and submit the electronic application through the World Bank Careers website: and click on >employment opportunities >professional/technical staff opportunities >current vacancies > job# 102249.

Email or paper/postal applications will not be considered. The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, culture and educational background.

Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.

The closing date is November 29th, 2010. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

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