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Monday, November 8, 2010

IFC Agrifinance Advisory Senior Financial Specialist Job in Kenya

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. We create opportunity for people to escape poverty and improve their lives.

We do so by providing financing to help businesses employ more people and supply essential services, by mobilizing capital from others, and by delivering advisory services to ensure sustainable development. In a time of global economic uncertainty, our new investments climbed to a record $18 billion in fiscal 2010.

Expanding the development impact in Africa is a top priority for IFC.

The objective of the Global Agrifinance Advisory Program is to achieve large scale impact on the availability of financing for the agriculture and food supply-chain sectors.

Leveraging IFC’s long track record of investment and advisory services, its agribusiness expertise, and large networks of financial institutions and agribusiness market participants, we provide risk mitigation products and capacity building, enabling FIs to efficiently expand lending, in particular for SME agribusinesses and farmers.

The Senior Financial Specialist will contribute to the design of the agrifinance strategy for Sub Saharan Africa, and implement the program in the region, defining methodologies and guiding principles and developing agrifinance products, tools and training as well as risk management systems and processes for lending.


* Advanced university degree and 10+ years experience, including senior operational experience in banking, SME agribusiness finance, risks and their mitigation.
* Technical expertise in credit risk management including rating and scoring, SWOT analysis, NPL management and collection, and finance product development.
* Knowledge of international best practices and global trends in the agrifinance sector.
* Experience in conducting due diligence for investments in emerging markets banks.
* Excellent communications skills in English; addition skills in French are of advantage.

The position is based in Nairobi, Kenya. Please go to the IFC career website for detailed information on the position and to apply on-line.

Deadline is November 21, 2010.

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