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Friday, November 12, 2010

ICT manager job in Kenya

The Water Resources Management Authority was established under the Water Act.2002.

The Act provides the foundation for the implementation of the National Water Resources Management Strategy, whose overall goal is to meet the water, related Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

The Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA) is the lead agency in water resources management and its overall development objective is to ensure a rational and effective framework to meet the water needs for national economic development, poverty alleviation, environmental protection and social well being of the people of Kenya.

Applications are invited for the following posts in Water Resources Management Authority:

ICT Manager 
(1 Post at HQ)
Ref: ICTM/04/2010

ICT Manager will be responsible for the ICT function at HQ and Regional offices that include a WAN and LANs of about 250 users running several applications represent WRMA in water sector ICT discussions and development, execute ICT strategy and ICT projects whilst supervising duties of ICT staff.

Key Roles and Responsibilities:
Handle internal and external user requests and act as primary point of contact for ICT policy and management.
Manage obligations of ICT service providers and WRMA.
Manage change requests to ICT systems and applications.
Manage ICT budget, staff and expenditures.
Organize trainings in ICT for ICT staff and other staff.
Liaise with MWI and MOF on e-government initiatives.
Manage website operations and improvements.
Manage business risk arising out of ICT.
All other matters related to ICT within WRMA.
Qualifications and Experience
Bachelors degree in an ICT field such as Computer Science, ICT, MIS, Electronics Engineering or equivalent.
Certifications MCSE, MCSD, CCNA-CISCO, DBA(SQL).
5 years relevant experience in ICT roles with LAN (of not less than 30 users) and 1 year in WAN administration.
2 years in an ICT management role.
Capability in Server and Email Administration, financial applications, systems development and SQL databases.
Added advantage from experience in: WAN with multiple servers, simple workflow system, Intranets, GIS Systems, website technologies.
Experience in water sector and training in Business Management would be an advantage.
Interested candidates should send their application letters, detailed curriculum vitae with copies of relevant certificates, other testimonials, current remuneration, 3 referees with current email addresses, and a day time telephone contact to the address below:-

The Chief Executive Officer
Water Resources Management Authority
NHIF Building, Wing B, 9th Floor
P. O. Box 45250-00100 Nairobi
Tel.020-2732291, 2729048/9, 3578853


Clearly mark the envelop with the relevant reference No. to reach him not later than 30th November 2010.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Canvassing will lead to automatic 

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