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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Consultancy for Network Evaluation in Kampala Uganda

Short term consultancy services to evaluate the regional GBV Prevention Network's achievements to-date. Seeking an Independent Consultant with the following qualifications

At least 5 years experience in evaluation methodologies including both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis

Familiarity with web-based surveys and relevant data management programs

At least 5 years experience in VAW, gender and human rights

Familiarity with the GBV prevention/women’s movement in the Horn, East and Southern Africa

Excellent analytical and writing skills

Strong interpersonal and communication skills

Experience in evaluating regional networks
How to apply
Please submit a CV with a thoughtful cover letter to by November 5th 2010, and indicate your daily rate. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by 10th November 2010.

Closing date: 05 Nov 2010

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