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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Coffee Liquorer Job Vacancy in Ruiru Kenya

Kofinaf Company Ltd (Formerly Socfinaf Co. Ltd)
Established in 1950

Coffee Liquorer Required

Due to the increased volumes of coffee handled by its coffee mill, Kofinaf Company Limited (ex-Socfinaf Co. Ltd) is looking for a Certified Liquorer hopefully with a Q-grading to join its dedicated team of professionals, transparent and respectful staff.

Kofinaf Company Limited has been milling coffee since 1995 and is a point of excellence and reference in the whole coffee supply chain.

If you are interested in joining our team, please apply to the undersigned explaining why you feel that you would fit in the company. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Applications accompanied with detailed CV should be sent to:

The General Manager,
Kofinaf Co.Ltd,
P.O.Box 10,
00232 Ruiru

To be received by 30th November 2010.

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