has moved
- About My African Career (6)
- Accounting (107)
- Accounting and Audit (1736)
- Accounting and banking (17)
- Administration (1474)
- Advertising (31)
- Agriculture and Agribusiness (384)
- Analysts (39)
- architecture (6)
- Arts and Entertainment (67)
- Aviation (85)
- banking (15)
- Beauty and Theraphy (13)
- Building and Constructions (98)
- Business Development (255)
- Business for Sale (8)
- business management (14)
- Business Opportunity (56)
- bussiness (3)
- bussiness administration (3)
- Call Centre Jobs (63)
- Career Tips (14)
- casino (1)
- catering (21)
- Chemical Engineering (14)
- Chief Executive Officer (281)
- Child Protection (63)
- Civil Engineering (140)
- Civil Service (25)
- Clearing and Forwarding (6)
- Clerical (49)
- Clothing and Textile (21)
- Community Development (534)
- Competition (20)
- compliance (4)
- cons (1)
- Consultancy (283)
- Cookery (13)
- Customer Service (196)
- Data Entry / Analysis (61)
- database management (1)
- Defense and Military (1)
- Diplomatic (83)
- distribution (5)
- djibouti (1)
- Drivers and Chauffeurs (175)
- Economists (239)
- Education and Training (818)
- Electrical and Electronics (186)
- Emergency and Disasters (29)
- eng (1)
- Engineering (162)
- Environmental (121)
- executive director (3)
- Executive Officer (5)
- fashion and design (1)
- Field Coordinator and Country Director (87)
- field officer (4)
- film (1)
- finance (56)
- Finance and Banking (1044)
- Food And Beverage (222)
- Forestry and Wildlife (29)
- Fraud and Forensic Investigations (23)
- Front Office (125)
- Gender and Affirmative Action (47)
- general manager (14)
- Graduate Trainees (34)
- Grants and Fundraising (49)
- Graphic Design and Animation (70)
- Health and Medical (889)
- Housekeeping (65)
- Human Rights and Advocacy (49)
- Humanitarian (217)
- ICT and Comms (1008)
- Insurance (137)
- Intergrity (5)
- Interior Design (17)
- Internships (63)
- Investment / Business Experts (59)
- it (40)
- Job tips (1)
- Laboratory Technicians (61)
- Land and Survey (63)
- Land For Sale (3)
- Language Translation and Interpretation (46)
- law (1)
- Legal (225)
- Library Jobs (39)
- Management Trainees (55)
- managing director (10)
- Marine (2)
- marketer (4)
- marketing (53)
- marketing trainees (1)
- Mathematics and Statistics (44)
- Mechanical and Plant Engineering (258)
- Media and Broadcasting (266)
- Medical Engineering (9)
- Metrology (4)
- Migration and Refugees (2)
- Mining (13)
- Monitoring and Evaluation (183)
- Mozambique (1)
- n/a (4)
- Namibia (1)
- Nature and Wildlife (3)
- ngo (53)
- Non-Governmental (1466)
- Nutrition (6)
- office administration (5)
- Oil and Gas Jobs (38)
- opera (1)
- Operations (22)
- Personnel and Human Resource (433)
- pharmacy (5)
- Play and Physical Activities (17)
- plays and acts (1)
- Political / Government and Civil Service (125)
- PR and Communications (229)
- Press and Printing (32)
- Procurement (25)
- Procurement Supplies and Logistics (455)
- product manager (4)
- Production Jobs (109)
- Professional Develipment and Mentoring (1)
- Professional Development and Mentoring (1)
- programme development (29)
- programming (8)
- Project Management (502)
- Property Management (34)
- public relations (13)
- Quality Assurance (70)
- re (1)
- Real estate (3)
- record management (2)
- regional manager (6)
- relationship manager (6)
- Religious (45)
- Repairs and Maintenance (2)
- Request for Proposals (3)
- Research and Development (242)
- Rwanda (20)
- SACCO (3)
- salea (1)
- sales (50)
- Sales and Marketing (1418)
- Scholarships and Fellowships (297)
- Scientists (56)
- Secretarial (186)
- Security / Armed Forces and Law Enforcement (172)
- Shipping (21)
- Socialogists (143)
- Software Engineering (154)
- Somalia (9)
- sotwa (1)
- Southern Africa (1)
- Southern Sudan (92)
- Support (49)
- Tanzania (280)
- technical supervisor (7)
- Telecomms Engineering (154)
- telephone operations (1)
- Tenders and EOI (120)
- Tourism and Hospitality (219)
- Transport (63)
- Uganda (149)
- United Kingdom (4)
- United Nations (125)
- Veterinary and Animal Health (54)
- Volunteer (23)
- Warehousing and Stores (81)
- Warnings and Jobseeker Alerts (1)
- Water And Sanitation (91)
- Web Development and Design (78)
- Workshops / Seminars and Conferences (3)
- writting (7)
- writting and translation (5)
Monday, December 3, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
District Manager, Gulu, Uganda
Save the Children UK Closing Date: Monday, 16 July 2007
Regional Accountant, Central Africa Region, Kampala + Travel to other Central Africa fields
Concern Closing Date: Friday, 20 July 2007
Finance, Administration and Logistics Officer, Kampala
Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) Closing Date: Sunday, 15 July 2007
Administrative Officer Uganda, Uganda
World Health Organization (WHO)
Regional Office for Africa (AFRO)
Representative Office, Uganda Closing Date: Friday, 27 July 2007
Water and Sanitation Coordinator, Uganda (Nakivale, Isingiro district, Western Uganda)
Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Closing Date: Monday, 09 July 2007
Civil Engineer Road Construction, Gulu, Uganda
Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Closing Date: Monday, 09 July 2007
Settlement Officer, Uganda (Nakivale, Isingiro, Western Uganda)
Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Closing Date: Monday, 09 July 2007
Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, Combatting Child Labor through Education, Kampala
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Closing Date: Saturday, 15 September 2007
Director, Combatting Child Labor through Education, Kampala
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Closing Date: Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Education Advisor, Combatting Child Labor through Education, Kampala
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Closing Date: Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Country Programme Coordinator, Uganda (Based in Pader for six months, returning to London for remainder of service)
War Child UK Closing Date: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Chef de mission, Uganda (Kampala, Lira)
Première Urgence (PU) Closing Date: Friday, 31 August 2007
Country Programme Coordinator, Uganda
War Child UK Closing Date: Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Country Finance Manager, Uganda
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) Closing Date: Sunday, 08 July 2007
Household Survey/Monitoring & Evaluation Strengthening Intern, Uganda (Kitgum)
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Closing Date: Wednesday, 08 August 2007
Grants Coordinator, Uganda (Kampala)
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Closing Date: Friday, 03 August 2007
Finance Controller, Uganda (Kampala)
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Closing Date: Wednesday, 01 August 2007
Country Director, Uganda (Kampala)
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Closing Date: Friday, 20 July 2007
Gender Based Violence Coordinator, Uganda (Kampala)
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Closing Date: Friday, 20 July 2007
Education Volunteer, Uganda (Gulu)
Visions in Action Closing Date: Tuesday, 31 July 2007
HIV/AIDS Counselor, Uganda (Gulu or Kitgum)
Visions in Action Closing Date: Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Communications/Media Specialist, Uganda (Gulu or Kitgum)
Visions in Action Closing Date: Tuesday, 31 July 2007
HIV/AIDS Nurse, Uganda (Gulu or Kitgum)
Visions in Action Closing Date: Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Health Administrator, Uganda (Gulu or Kitgum)
Visions in Action Closing Date: Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Laboratory Director, Uganda (Kampala)
Johns Hopkins University Closing Date: Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Early Recovery Advisor, Uganda (LIRA)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Closing Date: Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Vacancies in Nairobi, Kenya
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Senior Economist, Nairobi + Travel to Somalia United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Closing Date: Friday, 20 July 2007 (added 05 July)
Assistant Director, Technical Services, Nairobi IntraHealth International, Inc. Closing Date: Friday, 20 July 2007 (added 05 July)
Project Accountant, Nairobi IntraHealth International, Inc. Closing Date: Friday, 20 July 2007 (added 05 July)
Programme Manager, Nairobi Life and Peace Institute (LPI) Closing Date: Friday, 10 August 2007 (added 05 July)
Nutrition & HIV/AIDS Specialists (2 positions), Nairobi + Kisumu IntraHealth International, Inc. Closing Date: Friday, 20 July 2007 (added 05 July)
Senior Economist, Nairobi + With frequent travel to Somalia United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Closing Date: Friday, 20 July 2007 (added 05 July)
Programme Assistant, Nairobi United Nations Office at Nairobi Closing Date: Thursday, 02 August 2007
Special Assistant to Chief, Nairobi United Nations Environment Programme Closing Date: Saturday, 01 September 2007
Programme Assistant, Nairobi United Nations Environment Programme Closing Date: Thursday, 02 August 2007
Programme Assistant, Nairobi United Nations Environment Programme Closing Date: Thursday, 02 August 2007
Programme Associate (re-advertisement), Nairobi United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Closing Date: Friday, 13 July 2007
Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Specialist, Nairobi United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Closing Date: Friday, 06 July 2007
Assets Management Associate, Nairobi (With frequent travel to Somalia and relocation when situation Permits ) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Closing Date: Saturday, 21 July 2007
Manager, Supply Management, Nairobi (With some work in Tanzania and Mali) KickStart Closing Date: Monday, 16 July 2007
Health Specialist, Nairobi United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Closing Date: Friday, 06 July 2007
Procurement Associate, Nairobi (With frequent travel to Somalia and relocation when situation permit) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Closing Date: Saturday, 21 July 2007
UNA Regional Representative Kenya, Nairobi Cooperazione E Sviluppo (CESVI) Closing Date: Monday, 30 July 2007
Consultant,Nairobi Network for Surveillance of Pneumococcal Diseases in the East African Region (NETSPEAR) Closing Date: Friday, 13 July 2007
Senior Human Settlements Officer, Nairobi United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Closing Date: Saturday, 25 August 2007
Associate Conference Affairs Officer, Nairobi United Nations Office at Nairobi Closing Date: Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Programme Management Specialist, Nairobi (possible relocation to Somalia) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Closing Date: Friday, 06 July 2007
Public Information Officer, Special Events, Nairobi United Nations Environment Programme Closing Date: Sunday, 19 August 2007
Programme Specialist, Nairobi ( future relocation to Somalia when situation permits) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Closing Date: Friday, 06 July 2007
Deputy Regional Director, Nairobi The Micronutrient Initiative (MI) Closing Date: Monday, 09 July 2007
Surveillance Coordinator, Polio, Nairobi World Health Organization (WHO)Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)WHO Representative's Office Somalia Closing Date: Monday, 09 July 2007
Programme Specialist, Nairobi (with frequent travel to
Call for applications Position:
Human Resources Manager
Action Against Hunger (ACF) is urgently looking to recruit a Human Resource Manager to be based in Nairobi. He/she will be part of the senior management team to perform human resource functions and duties for the Kenya Mission, and to ensure compliance with ACF policy with respect to local legal requirements.The duties and responsibilities will include •Manage and supervise HR team•Assist with the development, communication and implementa-tion of staff policies and procedures., including the employee manual, employee contracts and other related documents•Provide advice and support to managers and staff on human resources related matters such as rights, responsibilities, code of conduct and difculties associated with the work.•Coordinate the selection, recruitment and induction process of new staff.•Provide counsel to the management team on salary and related benets.•Management of staff leaves, breaks, and other movements.•Oversee the management and upkeep of the HR database and employee les in the Nairobi ofce and other bases.Qualications •Diploma or formal qualication in HR Management or related eld•A degree in relevant eld (preferably HR / administration / law related)•Minimum of 5 years experience in human resources manage-ment,•A detailed understanding, knowledge (theoretical and practical) and experience of HR issues, including recruitment and selec-tion, contractual documentation, interpretation and application of policies and procedures•Willingness to travel within Kenya and insecure environments, as well as be able to live and work in simple conditionsAPPLICATIONS SHOULD INCLUDE:- A cover letter- A curriculum vitae - Three referees including daytime contact information (preferably former supervisors)- Copies of relevant certicates- Own contact information: telephone numbers/emailCLOSING DATE: 17TH JULY 2007, 5 PM- Interested candidates should forward their applications to:Human Resource ManagerAction Against Hunger-USAAmboseli Road, Gate 13, Off Gitanga Road, Lavington,NairobiPO Box 39900 – 00623 Email: hr@aahssd.orgIndicate: “HR Manager” on the Envelope or Email
Call for applications Position:
Human Resources Manager
Action Against Hunger (ACF) is urgently looking to recruit a Human Resource Manager to be based in Nairobi. He/she will be part of the senior management team to perform human resource functions and duties for the Kenya Mission, and to ensure compliance with ACF policy with respect to local legal requirements.The duties and responsibilities will include •Manage and supervise HR team•Assist with the development, communication and implementa-tion of staff policies and procedures., including the employee manual, employee contracts and other related documents•Provide advice and support to managers and staff on human resources related matters such as rights, responsibilities, code of conduct and difculties associated with the work.•Coordinate the selection, recruitment and induction process of new staff.•Provide counsel to the management team on salary and related benets.•Management of staff leaves, breaks, and other movements.•Oversee the management and upkeep of the HR database and employee les in the Nairobi ofce and other bases.Qualications •Diploma or formal qualication in HR Management or related eld•A degree in relevant eld (preferably HR / administration / law related)•Minimum of 5 years experience in human resources manage-ment,•A detailed understanding, knowledge (theoretical and practical) and experience of HR issues, including recruitment and selec-tion, contractual documentation, interpretation and application of policies and procedures•Willingness to travel within Kenya and insecure environments, as well as be able to live and work in simple conditionsAPPLICATIONS SHOULD INCLUDE:- A cover letter- A curriculum vitae - Three referees including daytime contact information (preferably former supervisors)- Copies of relevant certicates- Own contact information: telephone numbers/emailCLOSING DATE: 17TH JULY 2007, 5 PM- Interested candidates should forward their applications to:Human Resource ManagerAction Against Hunger-USAAmboseli Road, Gate 13, Off Gitanga Road, Lavington,NairobiPO Box 39900 – 00623 Email: hr@aahssd.orgIndicate: “HR Manager” on the Envelope or Email
New Kenya Co-Operative Creameries Ltd
Creamery House Dakar Road
PO. BOX 30131 Nairobi Kenya
The New Kenya Co-operative Creamenes Limited is one of the leading Dairy Company in the Country reknown for its world class brands that include KCC Butter, Ghee, Cheese, Gold Crown, Safariland and Mala among others.
As part of our strategy to further strengthen and consolidate our lead, we wish to recruit dynamic and result driven professionals to fill the above position
Ref -ffR:04f07
Reporting to the Factory Manager, the Quality Assurance Supervisor will be responsible for supervising Quality Assurance activities and implementation of quality assurance procedures, plans and schedules.
The Candidate
The applicant must be in possession of the following qualifications:
Be Be a holder of a Degree or Diploma in Food Sciences and Technology from a recognized institution.
At least three years working experience in FMCG.
Good understanding of HACCP and ISO 2000 Certifications.
Those with working experience in Dairy industry will have an added advantage.
Essential Skills Include
Management skills and professional experience.
Good communication and interpersonal skills.
Should be computer literate.
If you meet the above criteria, send your application with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, testimonials, current remuneration, at least three references and daytime telephone contacts, quoting the job reference on the envelope to:
Head of Human Resources
New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited
P.O. Box 30131 - 00100 Nairobi
So as to reach not later than 23/07/07
New Kenya Co-Operative Creameries Ltd
Creamery House Dakar Road
PO. BOX 30131 Nairobi Kenya
The New Kenya Co-operative Creamenes Limited is one of the leading Dairy Company in the Country reknown for its world class brands that include KCC Butter, Ghee, Cheese, Gold Crown, Safariland and Mala among others.
As part of our strategy to further strengthen and consolidate our lead, we wish to recruit dynamic and result driven professionals to fill the above position
Ref: HR 03107
Reporting to the Security Manager, the successful candidate in liaison with Security Manager will be responsible for the investigations and security of Company properties.
The Candidate
Applicants must be in possession of the following:
Must have minimum 0 Level education.
Must have served in Regular Police for at least 3 years at the rank of inspector and above or its equivalent in Armed Forces.
Aged between 30 -40 years.
Essential Skills include
Excellent communication and good interpersonal skills.
Proficiency in computer skills.
Should be a person of high integrity.
If you meet the above criteria, send your application with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, testimonials, current remuneration, at least three references and daytime telephone contacts, quoting the job reference on the envelope to:
Head of Human Resources
New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited
P.O. Box 30131 - 00100 Nairobi
So as to reach not later than 23/07/07
New Kenya Co-Operative Creameries Ltd
Creamery House Dakar Road
PO. BOX 30131 Nairobi Kenya
The New Kenya Co-operative Creamenes Limited is one of the leading Dairy Company in the Country reknown for its world class brands that include KCC Butter, Ghee, Cheese, Gold Crown, Safariland and Mala among others.
As part of our strategy to further strengthen and consolidate our lead, we wish to recruit dynamic and result driven professionals to fill the above position
Ref: HR - 02107
Reporting to the Head of Production, the Raw Milk Supply Manager will be responsible for the following:
Development of long and medium term strategies and policies on raw milk supply to the Company.
Development of support programmes to create greater partnership between the Company and Dairy farmers.
Negotiate prices with raw milk suppliers in line with Company\'s milk procurement guidelines.
Identify and develop raw milk potential areas.
Establish long term business arrangements with raw milk suppliers.
Achieve set targets on raw milk collection.
Forecast and plan on raw milk availability.
Liaise with the relevant stake holders and Government Officials on raw milk production and availability.
The Candidate
Must be a holder of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture /Animal production or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
With over 5 years experience in Agro/vet Sales & Marketing.
Must have at least 3 years clean driving experience.
Must be willing to travel extensively within the Country.
Should be a person of high integrity.
Must be a team player
Essential Skills include.
Excellent interpersonal skills.
Must have good communication skills.
Must have excellent negotiation and persuasion skills
If you meet the above criteria, send your application with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, testimonials, current remuneration, at least three references and daytime telephone contacts, quoting the job reference on the envelope to:
Head of Human Resources
New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited
P.O. Box 30131 - 00100 Nairobi
So as to reach not later than 23/07/07
New Kenya Co-Operative Creameries Ltd
Creamery House Dakar Road
PO. BOX 30131 Nairobi Kenya
The New Kenya Co-operative Creamenes Limited is one of the leading Dairy Company in the Country reknown for its world class brands that include KCC Butter, Ghee, Cheese, Gold Crown, Safariland and Mala among others.
As part of our strategy to further strengthen and consolidate our lead, we wish to recruit dynamic and result driven professionals to fill the above position
Ref: HR 01107 Reporting to the Managing Director, the Information & Communication Technology Manager will be responsible for development and implementation of I.T Strategy.
The job holder will be specifically responsible for the following among others duties:
Planning, recommending, developing and maintaining applications and technologies to support and enhance the Company business.
Managing all Company\'s database.
Installing and upgrading hardware by conducting trials and testing of software before acquisition.
Providing day to day technical support to end users on computer related operations both Lan/internet/Wan.
Developing and monitoring appropriate security frameworks and procedures to safeguard systems from physical harm, viruses and unauthorized intrusion, and mitigate risks among others.
Providing pro-active maintenance of all ICT facilities and network in the Company including backup/restore and disaster recovery dunes and strategies.
The Candidate
Applicant must meet the following job specifications:
Must be a University Graduate in Computer/Information Science Technology.
At least 5 years experience in a similar position with outstanding track record of achievement
Professional qualifications in MCSE, MCP, LT disaster management courses, wireless technology as well as VSAT Certification.
Should be a person of high integrity.
Essential Skills Include
Strong management skills.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Must be a team player.
If you meet the above criteria, send your application with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, testimonials, current remuneration, at least three references and daytime telephone contacts, quoting the job reference on the envelope to:
Head of Human Resources
New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited
P.O. Box 30131 - 00100 Nairobi
So as to reach not later than 23/07/07
Our client, a dynamic organisation in the public sector,
wishes to recruit lower cadre trainees aged between 20-30 years and holding an ordinary college diploma preferably in the following fields:
Business Administration, Research, ICT, Education, Journalism/Communication, Telecommunication, Human Resources, Finance/ Accounting, Conflict Resolution or related fields. Prospective candidates must be Kenyan citizens with no criminal record and are physically and medically fit. Candidates with proficiency in IT and foreign languages such as French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Italian, or German will have an added advantage.
The selected candidates will undergo a three-month intensive training programme after which, successful candidates will be deployed in various departments according to their individual competence.
Interested candidates meeting the stipulated qualifications should submit their handwritten applications giving their full names, I/D number, address, daytime telephone contact, age, academic and other qualifications together with detailed CV by Wednesday 18th July, 2007 to:
The Recruitment Consultant
Kicher & Associates
Hurlingham, Unipen Flats, 2nd Floor, Block A 8,
Above Barclays Bank Prestige Centre
P.O. BOX 61379-00200, Nairobi
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
An upcoming and fast growing property and valuation firm requires a mature and self-driven Kenyan to fill the above position.
The person will be the Chief Executive Officer of the company responsible for the day to day running of the company as well as business development-cum-staff recruitment and development.
A bachelors degree in land economics with minimum five years post qualification experience and a registered valuer.
Those with practical experience in marketing/business development will have an added advantage.
Apply attaching your curriculum vitae, stating current employment terms so as to reach the advertiser before 15th July 2007.
Voucher No. TS 1954
P.O. Box 49990 00100 Nairobi
Elizabeth Glaser Paediatric Aids Foundation (EGPAF)
With the support of USAID, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) works closely with the MoH, NASCOP, district teams and health facilities to support HIV/AIDS and PMTCT programs in Kenya.
The Foundations emphasis is on increasing access to HIV prevention, care and treatments for both adults and children.
The Foundation would seek to recruit a suitable qualified and experienced Finance/Human Resource Manager and Finance/Admin Assistant for our Nairobi office and Kakamega field office respectively.
Based in Kakamega and reporting to the Deputy Project Director Western Province;
To provide assistance in maintenance of field office financial records, handling of cash imprest, travel advances and field office monthly financial returns to Nairobi office.
Implement administrative procedures to ensure cost effective and timely handling of business administrative issues.
Ensure that field office is provided with the administrative support required for its operation.
Ensure that all licenses and any other regulatory requirements are up to date.
Ensure that the office is opened and closed as defined in the Foundation working hours
Ensure that the office is maintained in clean condition and all furniture, fittings and equipment are in working order at all times
Qualifications and Skills
Higher Diploma in Business Administration or an equivalent
CPA I or an equivalent
High level of computer literacy
Have excellent interpersonal, organizational and administrative skills
Minimum 3 years relevant experience preferably in a donor funded agencies and knowledge and experience of USAID rules and regulations.
EGPAF is an equal opportunities employer and the positions are open to all, but ONLY qualified candidate should submit a CV and a cover letter explaining how the experience detailed in the CV will contribute to the requirements of the position and references to EGPAF.
Submissions may be sent to:
The Operations Manager,
P.O.Box 13612-00800, Nairobi
Elizabeth Glaser Paediatric Aids Foundation (EGPAF)
With the support of USAID, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) works closely with the MoH, NASCOP, district teams and health facilities to support HIV/AIDS and PMTCT programs in Kenya.
The Foundations emphasis is on increasing access to HIV prevention, care and treatments for both adults and children.
The Foundation would seek to recruit a suitable qualified and experienced Finance/Human Resource Manager and Finance/Admin Assistant for our Nairobi office and Kakamega field office respectively.
Based in Nairobi and reporting to the Operations Manager
To develop and implement appropriate financial policies and procedures to ensure effective financial management and controls.
Overseeing the maintenance of accounting records and generation of monthly financial reports that meet both donor and the Foundation financial reporting standards.
Ensuring completeness, accuracy and validity of all financial transactions.
Coordinate and supervise the finance management activities of the Foundation cash flow and cost control management.
Reviewing grantees monthly financial reports and processing monthly cash request.
Ensure all procurement and contracts are in compliance with Foundation procedures and USAID rules and regulations.
To train, mentor, coach and guide the field office Finance/Admin Assistants.
Manage staff salaries, benefits, insurance and maintain employment records.
Responsible for planning, organizing, coordination, administering and controlling all the Human Resource functions.
Ensure compliance with employment regulations, Kenya labour laws, Foundation policies and procedures and align all efforts towards achieving Foundation goal and objectives.
Qualifications and Skills:
Bachelors degree in Accounting or Business Administration or the equivalent.
Certified public Accountant of Kenya (CPA) (K) or an equivalent qualification.
Higher National Diploma in Human Resource management or equivalent professional qualifications will be an added advantage.
Minimum 5 years relevant experience working with donor funded agencies and knowledge of USAID rules and regulations.
Possessing excellent analytical and interpersonal skills with a good sense of judgement and initiative.
Ability to work with Microsoft office, computerized accounting software, database systems and QuickBooks accounting package is desirable.
Able to pay attention to deadlines and details
EGPAF is an equal opportunities employer and the positions are open to all, but ONLY qualified candidate should submit a CV and a cover letter explaining how the experience detailed in the CV will contribute to the requirements of the position and references to EGPAF.
Submissions may be sent to:
The Operations Manager,
P.O.Box 13612-00800, Nairobi
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) Kenya Mission, Office of Population and Health (OPH), is seeking applications from U.S. citizens, U.S. Resident Aliens, and Third Country Nationals (TCNs) for the above position.
Basic Function of the above Position:
The Senior Malaria Advisor shall provide leadership, guidance and overall direction on the planning, implementation and monitoring of the Presidents Malaria Initiative (PMI). The incumbent will liaise with the PMI CDC Malaria Adviser and the backstops for the PMI in USAID Washington, counterparts in CDC Kenya and Atlanta, and USAID personnel working within and overseeing the Missions activities related to malaria control.
These responsibilities include:
Regular contact and collaboration with the counterparts in the Ministry of Healths Division of Malaria Control.
More specifically, the Senior Malaria Advisor will provide technical and managerial support within USAID/ Kenyas Office of Population and health for all PMI activities.
S\\He will coordinate efforts of the health team in design and implementation of activities, ensure that malaria activities are integrated into overall USAID-supported health activities and establish effective collaboration with the PEPFAR program.
This includes preparing and reviewing program design and results framework.
The incumbent shall also review and analyze results reports by implementing partners and prepare summary reports with analyses and recommendations.
Applicants for this position must have:
A minimum of a Masters degree in public health international health, or social sciences from a recognized institution and/or clinical qualifications.
Specialized experience in malaria is required in areas including but not limited to vector control, entomology, clinical case management of malaria, and epidemic surveillance and forecasting.
S\\he will have at least 10 years of progressively responsible experience in designing, implementing and managing malaria and other health programs in developing countries, with a preference given to candidates with African experience.
Demonstrated technical leadership, program management, strategic planning, policy experience and problem solving skills working on complex projects are required.
Preference will be given to those candidates with proven knowledge and experience with USAID programs, procedures and systems for program design, procurement, implementation, management and monitoring.
The details of this solicitation are available on the USG website at:
http://wwwl .fbo.goy/spy,/AID/OM/KEN/6232DSa/02DO72DO320/02DRFP/listing.htmi
Those fulfilling the requirements of the position should submit their application together with a detailed CV and all relevant attachments before July 20, 2007 to the following address:
Via email:
To with a copy to
Please cite the solicitation number and position title of the subject line of your email application.
Any attachments provided via email shall be in Microsoft Word 2000 and not zipped.
Note that attachments to emails must not exceed 2 MB.
Mail/Courier application to:
Chris O Donnell,
USAID/East Africa,
United Nations Avenue,
Nairobi, Kenya,
P.O.BOX 629, Village Market 00621,
Kenya Applications Must Be In The Usaid Office By COB July 20, 2007
Reducing poverty is the primary aim of the British Government Department for International Development (DFID).
DFID Kenya and Somalia is responsible for managing the British Governments contribution to international development in Kenya and Somalia,with the objective of supporting governments to reduce poverty in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Vacancy has arisen for the above advisory posts both based in the DFIDs Nairobi office.
Appointmenis will be finder local terms and conditions and are subject to security clearance.
We are looking for an experienced Human Development professional to assist in delivering DFIDs development programme in Somalia
The key responsibilities of this post are:
Represent DFID in engaging with other donors, partners, NGOs and stakeholders
Provide advisory support and monitor the impact and effectiveness of health and education programmes
Provide technical advice on design of programmes
You will have the following technical and behavioural competencies:
A degree or other suitable qualification in public health, education or relevant social sciences.
Be able to demonstrate a range of experience working in health and education in developing countries with field experience ideally in a fragile state/post-conflict context.
Understanding of international development and gender issues particularly in social sectors.
Knowledge and understanding of gender analytical tools desirable.
Specific knowledge of the Somali context.
Experience of working with key partners in Somalia and ability to speak Somali desirable
You will be expected to demonstrate the following:
Strong oral and written communication skills, the ability to influence at all levels, plan and deliver work to meet objectives whilst achieving value for money, good analysis of information and commitment to continual improvement
Minimum salary Kshs. 512,374 gross per month negotiable depending upon experience.
Medical & Retirement Benefit Scheme also offered.
How to Apply:
If you are interested in applying for either of these positions please email to obtain the application form and relevant job description:
send an email to
Please state clearly which post you are applying for and note that joint applications will not be accepted.
Completed application forms should be emailed to or sent by hard copy to
Adept Systems Management Consultants,
PO Box 6416 Nairobi 00100.
The closing date for applications is 5.00 pm Monday 23rd July 2007.
Under no circumstances will applications be accepted after this date.
All enquiries should be directed to Adept Systems.
DFID is an Equal Opportunities employer.
Applications are welcomed from all parts of the community, and we actively encourage interest from women, ethnic minority groups and those with disabilities.
Selection is on merit.
Reducing poverty is the primary aim of the British Government Department for International Development (DFID).
DFID Kenya and Somalia is responsible for managing the British Governments contribution to international development in Kenya and Somalia,with the objective of supporting governments to reduce poverty in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Vacancy has arisen for the above advisory posts both based in the DFIDs Nairobi office.
Appointmenis will be finder local terms and conditions and are subject to security clearance.
We are looking for an experienced Governance professional who will work with the Senior Governance Adviser and broader governance team in delivering DFIDs work in the governance sector in Kenya.
The key responsibilities of this post are:
Assist in the delivery of DFID Kenyas governance portfolio in cooperation with other donors and ensuring effective project management advice taking a lead on specific programmes
Contribute to multi donor and DFIDs governance strategies, planning and implementation
Ensure governance issues are addressed across all DFID Kenyas programmes
You will have the following technical and behavioural competencies:
A degree, ideally in a relevant governance area.
Be able to demonstrate a range of experience of managing and leading governance work at a senior level in an organisation or as a consultant.
Experience of working in developing country environments (ideally in 2 or more locations). Specific knowledge of Kenyas governance context is desirable.
Be able to demonstrate the following; the ability work with others, to make effective and timely decisions, to influence at all levels, plan and deliver work to meet objectives whilst achieving value for money and good analysis of information.
Be able to demonstrate DFID technical governance competencies (details of which are available in the job description).
Minimum salary Kshs. 512,374 gross per month - negotiable depending upon experience.
Medical & Retirement Benefit Scheme also offered.
How to Apply:
If you are interested in applying for either of these positions please email to obtain the application form and relevant job description:
send an email to
Please state clearly which post you are applying for and note that joint applications will not be accepted.
Completed application forms should be emailed to or sent by hard copy to
Adept Systems Management Consultants,
PO Box 6416 Nairobi 00100.
The closing date for applications is 5.00 pm Monday 23rd July 2007.
Under no circumstances will applications be accepted after this date.
All enquiries should be directed to Adept Systems.
DFID is an Equal Opportunities employer.
Applications are welcomed from all parts of the community, and we actively encourage interest from women, ethnic minority groups and those with disabilities.
Selection is on merit.
As part of continuing and sustained consolidation of the leading position of KTN as the informative, educative and entertainment channel of choice, a new position has been created
Quality & Product Development
The role
Working in close liaison with the Managing Editor - News, Associate Editors and the entire Editorial team, the person will play a leading role in reviewing the range of KTN products to identify areas of improvement, refinement and opportunities for new products all aimed at meeting viewer needs more closely
Consistently interrogate the robuotneoo of the KTN presentation skills, style and interactivity, etc with the objective of further enhancing quality in the multiple range of products offered;
Enhance further the quality control aspects of the editorial content of KTN in terms of depth, scripting, balance, etc with the objective of taking the Station to the next level of performance
As a team leader, the person will be expected to significantly input into the strategic direction of the company.
Qualifications and Experience
A graduate from a recognized university with a post graduate diploma in journalism
At least 4 years experience in broadcaotjournaliom.
Attributes of the person
Interpersonal effectiveness
Influencing skills
Strategic thinker,
Results oriented
Highly motivated/energized;
Fasshion for the consumer and customer
Change oriented
Team player
Strength and Stamina;
Ability to plan/organize/prioritize;
Capacity to work for long hours.
If the above role profile challenges you adequately, please apply in confidence before July 12,2007 to:
Head of HR Services.
The Standard Group Limited
P.O BOX 49990,00100 Nairobi
International-Wedco Ltd is a micro credit institution with opera-tions in Western Kenya and is seeking qualified persons to fill the above position to be based in our branches within our operational network.
Opportunity is performance based organization that will offer final candidate an incentive package that rewards corporate achievement.
Reporting to the Branch Manager the Office Assistant will be responsible for achieving the following objectives and responsibilities.
Carry out secretarial and store keeping duties
Input customer details into the accounting system including loan repayments, loan application fees, insurance and membership fees
Supervise office cleaners
Oversee security of the office premises.
Qualifications and Experience
At least O Level Secondary School Certificate
Good computer skills with good working knowledge of spreadsheets, word processing and database management packages
Two Years progressive working experience in a busy environment The Ideal Candidate will possess the following attributes:
Customer Service skills
Personal and professional ethics
Good interpersonal skills
Target driven and result oriented
Well developed communication (oral and written) skills
Team player
Applicants should submit detailed CV and copies of relevant certificates together with names of three referees who can provide confidential and ac-curate assessment to the undersigned by Friday, 13th July 2007.
The H/R Manager
Opportunity International
Wedco Limited
P.O. Box 884-40100 Kisumu,
Only the short listed applicants will be contacted.
International Medical Corps
This position is responsible for non-financial management aspects of logistics/ procurement activities in IMC Kenya program.
Specific Responsibilities
Developing business relationships with third party suppliers, vendors, consultants, and contractors
Administering and coordinating all activities pertaining to contract development, tendering, selection and award processes
Managing the solicitation and development of contract proposals, negotiate terms, oversee administration
Managing IMC Kenya program vehicle fleet including support staff (e.g. drivers, maintenance) to ensure an efficient operating environment at the Nairobi office and all program sites
Overseeing IMC Kenya warehousing
Implement an inventory management system, ensure adequate documentation and reporting on flow of goods
Producing accurate, regular and timely analytical reports on procurement and logistics
Coordinating logistics support to field operations including planning, acquisition, movement, maintenance, storage and distribution of materials, goods, equipment and supplies
He/She will ensure that all these processes are performed in the most transparent, economical and expeditious way in accordance with IMC and Donor requirements.
Bachelor degree in Business, Finance, Accounting or related field, or equivalent experience.
Post-graduate qualification in Procurement and Logistics
Minimum 3 years experience in management and contracts or related work preferably in the NGO sector
Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing is essential.
Strong analytical ability required.
Qualified candidates to submit applications including detailed CV, and contact of 2 referees no later than July 15th 2007 to
The HR Manager
Africa Mental Health Foundation
Dedicated to Research for evidence-based Policy, Practice and Promotion of Mental and Neurological Health and Healthy Behaviour Website:
The position is to be instated in September 2007.
To oversee data entry, database management and manage project accounts on a day-to-day basis at the AMHF branch office in Mombasa.
Develop and oversee database design and supervise entire data collection process
Coordinate and contribute to data entry in Msambweni and Port Reitz study sites
Compile reports on data entry issues
Compile project accounts and supervise procurement
Organise cross-site meetings and carry out general administrative duties
Minimum 2 years experience in data management and office administration
Knowledge of database and data entry techniques and software (FOXPro/MS Access/EPlinfo) and ability to use SPSS/STATA
Knowledge of and experience in book keeping/accounting procedure
Relevant qualifications to support the above requirements
CV by post to
The Director,
AMHF Nairobi,
P.O. Box 48423, 00100-GPO,
Nairobi By 19th July 2007
The cover letter should indicate the position of interest to the applicant.
The CV should include relevant information on qualifications and experience, and should include a contact phone number.
Those short-listed will be invited by telephone for interview in Mombasa on August 20th 2007.
We regret that only short-listed candidates will be acknowledged.
Proud To Be The First Bank Approved For Islamic Banking Business In Kenya
First Community Bank recently received approval from the Central Bank of Kenya to undertake Banking Business.
The Bank has an aggressive growth plan to become a leading player in Kenya and the entire EastAfrican region and its main activities shall include but not limited to retail, corporate and investment banking.
The bank intends to become respected for its dynamism and commitment to employee development and seeks, therefore, to employ dedicated and highly motivated staff, who shall contribute constructively to the progressive growth and positive performance of the Bank in a highly competitive market environment.
The bank is seeking to recruit high caliberand exceptionally well qualified individuals for its outlined senior management category as shown above. Reporting directly to the IMD of the bank, the position advertised above is the key management posts within the bank and the candidates will be expected to drive the banks overall business as a team and will be required to sit on various committees within the bank.
It is expected that candidates for this position will have the desire to develop a long term successful career in Islamic Banking.
Design the most appropriate format of the corporate banking infrastructure for the bank as a start up business.
Develop an array of corporate & institutional financing products and proceed with the implementation of a strategic plan to marketing such products
Maintain excellent account relationships with corporate/ institutional clients within the assigned business segment target markets.
Manage all issues relating to undertaking of corporate finance including credit analysis, due diligence, negotiation of documents and other legal matters.
University Degree or equivalent qualification in Business Administration, Banking, Finance or related field.
Minimum 8 years of corporate banking experience from reputable Bank
Possess strong business acumen and connections in the market.
Ability to think strategically and assist in directing the bank\'s corporate business.
Attractive remuneration packages with excellent fringe benefits will be offered to the right candidates in each of the above position
Applications should specify the position applied for and should be accompanied by detailed CV, copies of appropriate certificates and names of two referees.
Please submit your application to the address below not later than 20th July 2007.
First Community Bank Ltd
P.O Box 57731 Nairobi 00200
Or email to:
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Proud To Be The First Bank Approved For Islamic Banking Business In Kenya
First Community Bank recently received approval from the Central Bank of Kenya to undertake Banking Business.
The Bank has an aggressive growth plan to become a leading player in Kenya and the entire EastAfrican region and its main activities shall include but not limited to retail, corporate and investment banking.
The bank intends to become respected for its dynamism and commitment to employee development and seeks, therefore, to employ dedicated and highly motivated staff, who shall contribute constructively to the progressive growth and positive performance of the Bank in a highly competitive market environment.
The bank is seeking to recruit high caliberand exceptionally well qualified individuals for its outlined senior management category as shown above. Reporting directly to the IMD of the bank, the position advertised above is the key management posts within the bank and the candidates will be expected to drive the banks overall business as a team and will be required to sit on various committees within the bank.
It is expected that candidates for this position will have the desire to develop a long term successful career in Islamic Banking.
Establish a professional Retail banking set up for the bank including branches, Direct Sales, Cards and Customer service units.
Develop realistic retail business plan and strategies and oversee the successful execution of such a plan.
Develop, review, refine and launch new retail products and enhance existing customer offerings to increase market share, revenues and meet set objectives.
Take responsibility for the administration and efficient daily functioning of the banks branches including operations, sales, customer services and security in accordance with banks objectives, policies and procedures.
University Degree or equivalent qualification in Business Administration, Banking, Finance or related field.
Minimum 8 years of retail banking experience from a reputable Bank In-depth knowledge on analysis of Bank financials and other department functions in a bank.
Should be able to analyze market conditions and identify business opportunities.
Ability to think strategically and assist in directing the banks retail business.
Attractive remuneration packages with excellent fringe benefits will be offered to the right candidates in each of the above position
Applications should specify the position applied for and should be accompanied by detailed CV, copies of appropriate certificates and names of two referees.
Please submit your application to the address below not later than 20th July 2007.
First Community Bank Ltd
P.O Box 57731 Nairobi 00200
Or email to:
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Proud To Be The First Bank Approved For Islamic Banking Business In Kenya
First Community Bank recently received approval from the Central Bank of Kenya to undertake Banking Business.
The Bank has an aggressive growth plan to become a leading player in Kenya and the entire EastAfrican region and its main activities shall include but not limited to retail, corporate and investment banking.
The bank intends to become respected for its dynamism and commitment to employee development and seeks, therefore, to employ dedicated and highly motivated staff, who shall contribute constructively to the progressive growth and positive performance of the Bank in a highly competitive market environment.
The bank is seeking to recruit high caliberand exceptionally well qualified individuals for its outlined senior management category as shown above. Reporting directly to the IMD of the bank, the position advertised above is the key management posts within the bank and the candidates will be expected to drive the banks overall business as a team and will be required to sit on various committees within the bank.
It is expected that candidates for this position will have the desire to develop a long term successful career in Islamic Banking.
To oversee the smooth functioning of all (front and back office) operational activities of the bank relating to retail, corporate, personnel, financial control, marketing etc. with a focus on cost controls, customer satisfaction and quality of service.
To develop and institutionalize appropriate policies and SOPs for all activities of the bank with the objective of streamlining operations, minimizing errors and ensuring consistency of service
Ensuring the right back office controls and systems are in place to enable the development of a secure and profitable business meeting the needs of customers.
Lead the identification, prioritization and implementation of appropriate operational solutions to drive productivity improvements. Benchmark with other banks and ensure the operational processes are best in class.
Should have at least 8 years of proven record of success in senior level, general or commercial management in a banking or finance industry.
Good exposure to financial services as well as exceptional knowledge of IT, Treasury and personnel matters.
Strong Management skills for people and resources with wide knowledge of the sector and an understanding of wider management principles and techniques.
Attractive remuneration packages with excellent fringe benefits will be offered to the right candidates in each of the above position
Applications should specify the position applied for and should be accompanied by detailed CV, copies of appropriate certificates and names of two referees.
Please submit your application to the address below not later than 20th July 2007.
First Community Bank Ltd
P.O Box 57731 Nairobi 00200
Or email to:
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Proud To Be The First Bank Approved For Islamic Banking Business In Kenya
First Community Bank recently received approval from the Central Bank of Kenya to undertake Banking Business.
The Bank has an aggressive growth plan to become a leading player in Kenya and the entire EastAfrican region and its main activities shall include but not limited to retail, corporate and investment banking.
The bank intends to become respected for its dynamism and commitment to employee development and seeks, therefore, to employ dedicated and highly motivated staff, who shall contribute constructively to the progressive growth and positive performance of the Bank in a highly competitive market environment.
The bank is seeking to recruit high caliberand exceptionally well qualified individuals for its outlined senior management category as shown above. Reporting directly to the IMD of the bank, the position advertised above is the key management posts within the bank and the candidates will be expected to drive the banks overall business as a team and will be required to sit on various committees within the bank.
It is expected that candidates for this position will have the desire to develop a long term successful career in Islamic Banking.
Take responsibility for optimizing the banks liquidity cash position, executing its foreign exchange risk management programs, implementing and managing related banking products/systems and coordinating Treasury activity across the business units of the bank.
Establish a strategy for the bank\'s treasury function in line with the long term goals and objectives of the Institution.
Establish strong relationships with the interbank market and foreign banking institutions for nostro and vostro relationships.
Degree in Finance, Economics or similar qualification
A minimum of 4 years similar experience is essential for this role.
Strong knowledge of treasury market tools and instruments.
Good knowledge of Treasury products & Capital Markets overall activities
Attractive remuneration packages with excellent fringe benefits will be offered to the right candidates in each of the above position
Applications should specify the position applied for and should be accompanied by detailed CV, copies of appropriate certificates and names of two referees.
Please submit your application to the address below not later than 20th July 2007.
First Community Bank Ltd
P.O Box 57731 Nairobi 00200
Or email to:
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Proud To Be The First Bank Approved For Islamic Banking Business In Kenya
First Community Bank recently received approval from the Central Bank of Kenya to undertake Banking Business.
The Bank has an aggressive growth plan to become a leading player in Kenya and the entire EastAfrican region and its main activities shall include but not limited to retail, corporate and investment banking.
The bank intends to become respected for its dynamism and commitment to employee development and seeks, therefore, to employ dedicated and highly motivated staff, who shall contribute constructively to the progressive growth and positive performance of the Bank in a highly competitive market environment.
The bank is seeking to recruit high caliberand exceptionally well qualified individuals for its outlined senior management category as shown above. Reporting directly to the IMD of the bank, the position advertised above is the key management posts within the bank and the candidates will be expected to drive the banks overall business as a team and will be required to sit on various committees within the bank.
It is expected that candidates for this position will have the desire to develop a long term successful career in Islamic Banking.
Typical Duties:
Ensure that an effective enterprise-wide risk-management program is in place for all risk types including but not limited to credit, market and operational risk.
Develop appropriate tools for the evaluation of risk and implement and manage an integrated risk-management framework.
Drive the Business Units of the bank to implement effective internal controls & risk management framework and promote an optimal risk-management culture institution-wide.
Requirements for the job:
Applicants must have relevant experience implementing company wide risk assessment through a similar role in a Bank/Financial Institution including exposure to Basel II concepts and practices.
Appropriate university degree or its equivalent.
Knowledge of statistics. data collection, analysis and data presentation
Attractive remuneration packages with excellent fringe benefits will be offered to the right candidates in each of the above position
Applications should specify the position applied for and should be accompanied by detailed CV, copies of appropriate certificates and names of two referees.
Please submit your application to the address below not later than 20th July 2007.
First Community Bank Ltd
P.O Box 57731 Nairobi 00200
Or email to:
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Monitoring Officer ASB UGANDALocation: KampalaApply Before Date: 31 July
05 July
Sales Engineer Car and GeneralLocation: KampalaApply Before Date: 27 July
05 July
Sales Coordinator Car and GeneralLocation: KampalaApply Before Date: 27 July
05 July
Workshop Supervisor Car and GeneralLocation: KampalaApply Before Date: 27 July
05 July
Motorcycle Technician Car and GeneralLocation: KampalaApply Before Date: 27 July
05 July
Accountant Car and GeneralLocation: KampalaApply Before Date: 27 July
05 July
Network Administrator Caravan Hotel LimitedLocation: KampalaApply Before Date: 29 July
04 July
Brokerage Manager kaka stock broker & finance ltdLocation: KAMPALAApply Before Date: 20 July
03 July
Engineers (Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics ) A VALUED CLIENT OF FUTURE OPTIONS CONSULTING LTDLocation: kampalaApply Before Date: 22 July
02 July
Business Development Manager / Asstt. Marketing Manager / Asstt. Sales Manager A VALUED CLIENT OF FUTURE OPTIONS CONSULTING LTDLocation: kampalaApply Before Date: 24 July
02 July
Medical Representitive SurgipharmLocation: KampalaApply Before Date: 15 July
02 July
26 Jun
26 Jun
26 Jun
TRAINERS FUTURE OPTIONS CONSULTING LTDLocation: kampalaApply Before Date: 10 July
25 Jun
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Senior Credit Controller
The Credit Control Department within the Finance Division of Safaricom Ltd is seeking to fill the position of:
Senior Credit Controller - FIN_SCC_Jun07
Reporting to the Credit Control Manager, the Senior Credit Controller will be responsible for ensuring that the company’s debt portfolio is maintained at acceptable levels. Through effective debt management ensuring return on capital invested and customer retention.
Key Responsibilities
Debt management on assigned accounts
Ensure that collection plans affect only unpaid accounts
Ensure that customers who have payment plans are not affected by the collection plan
Review of the periodic high balance reports and bars where necessary
Management of disconnected and overdue on the assigned accounts through discussions with customers on payment plans
Recommend and prepare the accounts to be handed over to debt collection agencies and lawyers
Supervising billing clerks from the time the bills are received to when they are dispatched
Minimum Requirements
A Degree in any business discipline from a recognized university. A CPA (K) qualification will be an added advantage.
Relevant professional qualification in credit management preferably a Diploma in Credit Management.
Must have 5 years work experience in Credit and/or Risk Management in a busy commercial environment of which 2 years should be in supervisory level with a proven track record
High resilience and have impeccable character and good communication skills
Ability to demonstrate sound experience, technical competence, effective team leadership and liaison skills
Computer proficiency and ability to operate integrated accounting software. Oracle Financials is essential. Report writing skills are a fundamental requirement
Have a positive approach to ensuring complete customer satisfaction
Thorough knowledge of the contemporary local and regional GSM issues
Must have good leadership, managerial and supervisory skills coupled with hands on experience in mentoring/coaching staff
Highly innovative, with excellent analytical skills and ability to meet stringent deadlines
If you feel that you are up to the challenge and posses the necessary qualification and experience, please send your resume and application letter to the address below, please quote the job title and job reference.
The Resourcing Manager
Safaricom Limited
Via email to:
project officer - sudan (unicef) hiv
Vacancy Notice
(For Internal and External Circulation)
Purpose of the posts
Under the guidance of the Resident Programme Officer in El Geneina and Senior Project Officer in Khartoum the incumbent is responsible to assist the West Darfur Ministry of Health in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the HIV/AIDS and health programmes within GONU/UNICEF programme of collaboration in West Darfur.
Major Duties and Responsibilities:
- To provide technical assistance to the West Darfur SMoH in analysing the situation of women and children, and the planning, timely implementation, monitoring and evaluation of UNICEF Supported Health and HIV/AIDS programmes at the state level, specifically EPI, Child Health and Emergency Preparedness projects under the Health Programme and Prevention among young people and protection of HIV/AIDS affected children and families projects under the HIV/AIDS programme.
- Participates in intersectoral collaboration with other programme colleagues and partners. Ensure the needs of young people, with a special focus on women and children concerning HIV/AIDS related information and services are addressed.
- Undertakes field visits to monitor the Health/HIV/AIDS programmes, as well as conduct periodic programme reviews with government counterparts and other partners. Proposes and/or undertakes action on operational procedures affecting Health/HIV/AIDS programmes management and implementation.
- Consults with and holds regular meetings with national and international agencies in Health and HIV/AIDS Sectors to improve coordination expand partnerships and enhance resource mobilization and leveraging of resources for children. Participates in meetings with the State Ministry of Health for programme reviews and follows up on implementation of recommendations and agreements.
- Assists government authorities and civil society representatives in planning and organizing training programmes. Identifies training needs and objectives for the purpose of capacity building, programme sustainability, as well as promotion and advocacy.
- Coordinates with the Operations/Supply staff on supply and non-supply assistance activities ensuring proper and timely UNICEF and government accountability and utilization of UNICEF resources. Ensure CAGs requests are processed on timely manner at the state level and the implementation is followed up closely with partners. Support the SMoH in order to ensure the timely liquidation of CAGs.
- Ensures the accurate and timely input for the weekly and monthly reports/updates of HIV/AIDS and Health projects.
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required:
- Advanced university degree in Medicine, Public Health, Social Sciences, or any related technical field.
- At least two years of experience in HIV/AIDS programming and implementation
- Total of five years of progressively responsible professional work experience at the national and/ or international levels in programme management, monitoring and evaluation, in a related field.
- Fluency in English and Arabic is required.
- Knowledge of the latest developments and technology in related fields.
- Analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills.
- Supervisory, managerial, leadership and teamwork abilities.
- Computer skills, including internet navigation and various office applications.
- Demonstrated ability to work in and a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships, both within and outside the organization
- Commitment, drive for results, embracing diversity, integrity, self-awareness and self-regulation, and teamwork.
- Building trust, managing resources, analytical and conceptual thinking, communication, networking, judgment and technical knowledge.
Interested & qualified Sudanese nationals should submit their updated CVs and UN personal history form to, or hand deliver to House 74, Street 47 Khartoum 2.
Candidates should indicate the vacancy number, title and duty station on the envelope.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Closing Date: 18th July 2007
- UNICEF is an equal opportunity employer and women are particularly encouraged to apply.
- UNICEF is a smoke- free working environment.
- Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and exploitation is our policy.
project officer - sudan (unicef)
Vacancy Notice
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Northern Sudan Programme, is pleased to announce job opportunities in its different locations for suitably qualified Sudanese candidates as follows:
VN No. Title of the Post Level Type of Appointment Location
UNICEF/North Sudan/2007/0031 Project Officer-Health /Nutrition NO-B TFT Damazine
Purpose of the posts
Under the general supervision of the RPO, contribute to project design, implementation, and evaluation of programme/project activities, data analysis and progress reporting.
Major Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Collect and analyze data for Situation Analysis, programme/project planning, management, monitoring and evaluation purposes. Analyze programme implementation reports and evaluate against established programme recommendations and plans of action. Prepare tables, graphs and other statistical data. Report outcome of analysis and propose corrective action.
2. Undertake ongoing visits to UNICEF project sites, assess local conditions and resources, and monitor UNICEF inputs. Communicate with local counterpart authorities on project feasibility and effectiveness including monitoring the flow of supply and non-supply assistance.
3. Undertake follow-up action on programme implementation activities and prepare relevant reports. Draft changes in programme work plans as required.
4. Attend technical cooperation meetings, prepare notes and undertake follow-up action related to programme implementation and monitoring.
5. Assist counterparts in the development and adaptation of curriculum on peace and nomads education.
6. Assist in the preparation of country programme recommendation by drafting CPSS, PSS and other relevant documentation ensuring accuracy and consistency with established rules and regulations. Maintain computerized programme system and submit relevant reports.
7. Select and compile training and orientation materials for those involved in programme implementation including donor and media visits.
8. Evaluate and analyze financial and supply reports to ensure appropriateness of documentation, expenditures are within allotments, data is consistent with PIDB. Report to Supervisor and/or Head of Office outcome of review.
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required:
1. University degree in Social Sciences, or a related technical field.
2. Two to Five years of progressively responsible experience in programme design, administration, monitoring and evaluation in related field.
3. Fluency in English and another UN language required. Knowledge of the local working language of the duty station is an asset.
o Analytical and conceptual ability; communication skills.
o Planning and monitoring skills; ability to organize work and projects.
o Ability to make timely and quality judgments and decisions.
o Computer skills, including internet navigation, and various office applications.
o Commitment to continuous learning for professional development.
o Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment, and establish harmonious and effective working relationships both within and outside the organization.
o Initiative, passion and commitment to UNICEF’s mission and professional values.
An office-based post with travel to project sites.
Interested & qualified Sudanese nationals should submit their updated CVs and UN personal history form to , or hand deliver to House 74, Street 47 Khartoum 2.
If candidate is interested in more than one position, separate application and copy of the CV should be submitted to each position.
Applicants should indicate the vacancy number in the envelope.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Closing Date: Closing Date: 18 July 2007
* UNICEF is an equal opportunity employer and women are particularly encouraged to apply.
* UNICEF is a smoke- free working environment.
* Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and exploitation is our policy.
Vacancy Notice
(For Internal and External Circulation)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), North Sudan Area Programme, is pleased to announce the following vacancy for suitably qualified candidates as follows:
VN No. Title of the Post POST # Level Type of post Location
UNICEF/North Sudan/2007/0030 Driver 23443 GS-2 Fixed-Term Kadugli
Purpose of the posts:
The incumbent will provide transportation services in support of the office management and programme implementation for UNICEF zonal office, Kadugli.
Major Duties and Responsibilities:
* Drives UNICEF vehicle for Kadugli office.
* Collects and delivers mail or documents when required.
* Responsible for the day –to- day maintenance of the assigned vehicle, check oil, water, battery, brakes, tires, etc.., performs minor repairs and arranges for other repairs, and ensures that the vehicle is kept clean.
* Responsible for the safe keeping of the vehicle's documents (i.e. Registration, Insurance) and others (i.e. tools, tires, fuel, etc.).
* Responsible for maintaining the vehicle's log books on daily basis. Logs official trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing etc…
* Ensures that the steps required by rules and regulations are taken, in case of involvement in an accident.
* Responsible for reporting to supervisor any irregularities relating to the vehicle under the care of the incumbent.
* Assist in the clearance of UNICEF supplies for Kadugli office.
* Performs other duties, as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required:
* Fluency in English both spoken and written and good knowledge of Local language is desirable.
* Excellent knowledge and experience of Sudan’s different regions and field driving conditions as well as an ability to read a map
* Driving 4x4 vehicles with knowledge of minor repairs.
* Valid Driving License
* 5 years accident free record, smooth driving and knowledge of local protocol procedures.
* Secondary Education
Interested & qualified candidates should submit their applications directly to the Operations Officer, UNICEF Kadugli or e-mail the applications directly to
Applicants should indicate the vacancy number, title of the position & duty station on the envelope.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Closing Date: 18 July 2007
* UNICEF is an equal opportunity employer and women are particularly encouraged to apply.
* UNICEF is a smoke- free working environment.
* Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and exploitation is our policy.
Vacancy Notice
For External & Internal Circulation
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), North Sudan Area Programme, is pleased to announce the following vacancy for suitably qualified candidates as follows:
VN No. | Title of the Post | Post/Case # | Level | Type of Appointment | Location |
UNICEF/North Sudan/2007/0033 | Finance Assistant | SUD 08009* | GS-6 | Fixed Term | Khartoum |
* Post is subject to classification
Purpose of the posts
Under the supervision of the Finance Officer, the incumbent performs a variety of specialized tasks in finance and accounting functions.
- Maintains financial records and monitoring systems to record and reconcile expenditures, balances, payments, statements and other data for day-to-day transactions and reports, vouchers, etc.) and reconciling data for recurring or special reports.
- Selects and enters data from a wide variety of documents, verifying accuracy by checking sources, making necessary calculations and assuring inclusion of all relevant data.
- Prepares recurring reports as schedules and special reports, as required for budget preparation, audits or other reasons.
- Advises and assists international staff, experts and consultants on all aspects of allowances, salary advances, travel claims and other financial matters, and calculates and authorizes payments due for claims and services.
- Initiates correspondence to verify data, answers queries and obtains additional information on accounts and financial transactions, as required.
- Maintains liaisons with officials of local banks to obtain day-to-day information on exchange and interest rates, changes in procedures and regulations, and matters pertaining to maintenance of office bank accounts.
- Prepares detailed cost estimates, and participates in budget analysis and projects, as required.
- Prepares the bank reconciliation report and to ensure submission to HQ on monthly basis.
- Performs other duties, as required.
- Completion of secondary education. Ability to operate calculator or other machines used to maintain accounts. Additional financial courses and bookkeeping studies, and/or business or accounting is desirable.
- Six years of general finance and accounting experience.
- Excellent knowledge of the local language and good knowledge of English is a prerequisite.
- Good computer skills on MS-Excel, MS-Word
- Good command of English and Arabic languages (written and oral)
Foundational: Commitment, drive for results, embracing diversity, integrity, self-awareness & and self-regulation and teamwork.
Functional: Communication, tact, technical knowledge, managing stresses & managing resources.
Interested & qualified candidates should submit their applications by e-mail to, or hand deliver to Human Resources Unit, House 74, Street 47 Khartoum 2.
Applicants should indicate the vacancy number, title of the position & duty station on the envelope.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Closing Date: 19TH July 2008
- UNICEF is an equal opportunity employer and women are particularly encouraged to apply.
- UNICEF is a smoke- free working environment.
- Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and exploitation is our policy.
Vacancy Announcement
(for Circulation within UNICEF and other UN Organizations)
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Southern Sudan Programme hereby invites applications from suitably qualified Kenyan nationals for the following position:
VN No. | Title of the Post | Level | Type of appointment | Section/Location |
UNICEF/SUD/07/022 | Finance Assistant | GS-6 | TFT | Lokichoggio |
Purpose of the post:
Under the general supervision of the Adm/Finance Officer undertake finance-related issues pertaining to the Office’s accounts.
Major Duties & responsibilities:
- Maintains financial records and monitoring systems to record and reconcile expenditures, balances, payments, statements and other data for day-to-day transactions and reports, vouchers, etc.) and reconciling data for recurring or special reports.
- Selects and enters data from a wide variety of documents, verifying accuracy by checking sources, making necessary calculations and assuring inclusion of all relevant data.
- Prepares recurring reports as schedules and special reports as required for budget preparation, audits or other reasons.
- Advises and assists International and National staff, experts and consultants on all respects of allowances, salary advances, travel claims and other financial matters and calculates and authorizes payments due for claims and services
- Initiates correspondence to verify data, answers queries and obtains additional information on accounts and financial transactions pertaining to field accounts, as required.
- Maintains liaison with officials of local KCB branch to obtain day-to-day information on exchange, changes in procedures and regulations and matters pertaining to maintenance of office bank accounts.
- Prepares detailed cost estimates and participates in budget analysis and projects as required.
- Assist in monitoring cost sharing recoveries from members of the Camp Consortium (UN and NGO).
Working Conditions:
- Office based with occasional travel to the Area HQs and Zonal offices in South Sudan.
- If assigned to an emergency relief operation, incumbent is expected to perform the above functions under severely reduced working conditions, related to office accommodations, procedures, workload, mobility, and institutional and personal safety.
Minimum qualifications and experience required:
Completion of secondary education. Additional training in Accounting, business Management is desirable.
Six years of General accounting clerical experience in a busy office.
Previous UNICEF/UN experience will be an added advantage
Good knowledge of English. Good knowledge of the local language.
Other Skills and Attributes:
Knowledge and proficiency in windows based computer applications and thorough knowledge of modern office procedures essential.
Ability to work in a team
Ability to draft correspondence independently
Good judgment, initiative, high sense of responsibility, organization, negotiating skills.
Submission of Applications:
Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications indicating the “Vacancy Notice #” in your application, together with CVs/P11s and the last two PERs (in the case of internal candidates) to either of the following address:
The Human Resources Officer
UNICEF Southern Sudan.
Juba HQ
Southern Sudan
The Camp Manager
UNICEF South Sudan
Lokichoggio Office
PO. Box 441
Deadline for receipt of applications is 15 July 2007
UNICEF is an equal opportunity employer and women are particularly encouraged to apply.
UNICEF is a smoke-free environment. has moved
MyAfricanCareer Posts
- project officer - sudan (unicef) hiv
- project officer - sudan (unicef)
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